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OK it's time to finally get this body going. I move my legs over the edge of the bed. Now that I'm sitting with my feet touching the ground, I truly realize how much I've missed to walk around. A boost of adrenaline and confidence shoots up inside of me and I yank myself up. Too bad that this boost lasted for a second and my legs give out. But u don't fall back on the bed, but forward towards the ground. I braze myself for impact as the ground scoots closer and closer. What I didn't expect is to feel two strong arms wrap around myself. I look up and see Seteth with a concerned look. "whoa there, what has gotten into you to just try to stand up like that? " he helps me back down on the bed. "ah well Manuela told me that I should start walking and this is what I tried to do. Too bad my legs are not ready yet." he shakes his head in disapproval. "you could've waited for someone to visit and just asked then to help you walk around. It should have been fairly obvious that after almost a whole month of laying in bed, your legs are unable to work like they did before. Anyways I'm here because of the upcoming event. The battle of the eagle and the lion. You will not be attending of course, but rather I'm here because-" I shush him quickly and smile at the person that just walked in. "Hello there deer~ I was wondering when you'd visit again." "was u interrupting something important?" Claude looks at seteth with a smile and eyes that clearly are bit happy. "oh no, I was just here to check up on (y/n). Lady Rhea has been worried ever since we found her beaten up and has now wanted to know how much she's healed." "a-ha" Claude nods. "well (n/n) how do you feel?" "now that you're here so much better" I wink and form my hands into a heart. Claude grabs his shirt and dramatically swoons over my answer. Seteth looks awkwardly at us. "ah seteth, tell rhea that I'll visit later today! I want to thank her personally you see." seteth nods and bids us farewell. "you want to visit her? You sure you can leave the bed already-?" "of course she can!" a woman shouts from the neighboring room. After some seconds Manuela comes in. "her wounds are all healed up, she should be now out and about walking and getting accustomed to moving again." he looks at her a little surprised after her sudden entry then back to me. "well if that's the case, why don't you join me today for a cup of tea outside? The weather is perfect for having a meal outside." my face brightens up. "o-oh! Yes I'd love to!" I answer not hiding my excitement for this trip. "oh young love! ~ Still so fresh and pure.... If only I'd get to experience it again haha... " Manuela looks into the distance with a saddened face. "oh that reminds me, I heard that the new professor is available and also fond of experienced women. I'd say ask him out and see what happens next." I wink at the end. Manuela has a light blush in her lips and looks at me with a shocked face. She excuses herself and leaves the room in a hurry. She must be on her way to get some professor d perhaps. "well bow that that's dealt with, can you help me stand up?" "of course cutie." man him and his nicknames... I'll never get enough of them. Claude supports my back with his arm under my left arm and my right arm on his shoulder. He lifts me up as I try to stand up. I almost fall forward again, but he catches me with his right arm. We walk a bit like this until I'm stable enough to just having to hold his arms for support. That's when I realize I'm still in these shabby looking clothes. Well shit people are gonna judge me now. "C-claude I think I can't go out like this... What will others think?" I look at the ground. "don't say that," Claude lifts my chin up to meet his gaze, "you're beautiful in any clothes you wear and even if someone might find you under dressed, you're still recovering from heavy multiple injuries. You're allowed to walk around like this. And if someone speaks up about it, we'll I'll just have to show them they're wrong." he grins as my eyes widen. I have nothing left but to press my body against his to hide my humongous blush. "did anyone ever tell you that you're the perfect boyfriend? Cuz you really are... Thank you for everything" I say into his shirt. "aww (n/n) you're making me embarrassed, I only said the truth. No come let's get to the garden and sit down" I look up and see his gorgeous face. I nod and we continue walking slowly to our destination. My arms wrapped around his left arm in a tight embrace the entire way. We look like a couple! On the way to the garden some cats started following us. One even went so far to climb my clothes up until it sat on my shoulder. Claude called me "the chosen one" after that for a while. Now we're finally at the tables where students have their try breaks. All the cats left us alone after arriving, except the one on my shoulder. I should name. Claude helps me sit down. "now I'll be right back, I'll fetch us the tea and some sweets," he pets the brown cat on my shoulder," and you keep an eye out for my cute girlfriend got it?" the cat meows and Claude leaves. Girlfriend.... I'm actually his girlfriend? What?!? This is happening too fast omg. I take Iggy, I decided to name him that, from my shoulder and on to my lap and stroke his fur. My mind still being full of thoughts of me and Claude now being in a romantic relationship made me let down my guard. I didn't notice as someone comes up to the table. "well look who's out and looking just as beautiful as ever~" I get taken out of my thoughts and look up to see sylvain. "oh hello sylvain. Yes I was finally let outside." "that's great to hear, is this seat taken?" he holds the back of the chair on the other side of the table. "yes sorry to tell you this, but I'm waiting for someone." he gasps. "how could anyone let a cute girl like you just wait alone here? Pathetic. What would you say you join me for some tea in my room instead? I bet I'd treat you way better than whoever you're waiting for." he just sits down and I start getting annoyed. "now that's just rude of you. He's the most precious person to me, so how about you go alone? You don't seem to be so appreciative of what you can get." "oh please, I appreciate everything I'm given! Like for example right now. I appreciate every last second I can see your beauty in person.~" I let my gaze roam back to the way Claude went. When will he be back damn it. "And I'm probably waaaay more attractive than he is. Not only with looks but status too. The house Gautier has a big social standing after all." I ignore his talk. Then I spot my brunette. My face instantly shows a smile. "Oh? A smile suits you so well. I bet you even have a cute laugh-" "Sorry sweetheart did I make you wait- oh who is this sitting in my seat?" Claude walks in, his lips smiling yet his eyes pretty much just shooting daggers words sylvain. He places the big Pick nick basket in the table and walks over to the guy. "I told you that seat is taken." "r-right" sylvain quickly stands up and waves towards me. "I'll see you around (y/n)" and he speed walks away. Claude shakes his head and sighs in annoyance. He opens the basket and places the items on the table. A nice can of tea, cups and lots and lots of sweets. He sits down and pours me a cup full. "thank you" I look at him, just him. His handsome face. Then to the cup. I take it and take a sip. It's so sweet. And it tastes just like peaches. "oh! This tastes amazing!" "I'm glad. Now that sylvain guy. What did he try to do?" he looks at me, jealousy written lightly on his face. "Oh him? He tried to win me other and have tea with him instead. I always insisted I had waited for someone important but he didn't let go. He even tried to talk me other while using his nobility card. He said that he's probably way more attractive and has a higher social standing than you. What an idiot haha" I giggle to myself. He looked like a cornered puppy once Claude appeared. "thankfully I appeared or he might've taken you with his amazing house name!" Claude snickers, now way more comfortable. "but let's put that aside. I-i really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart." I look at my cup and then to his hands, which he has laying on the table. I move one hand and touch his. "thank you so so soooo much for always being there when I've gotten into trouble, or when I needed someone by my side." my mind gets filled with my memories from my home. It may sound pathetic but whenever something bad happened Claude always seemed to cheer me up, just with his presence in my phone or with his sweet lines in the game. "Y-you where there when no-one else w-was" my voice gets shaky and I feel tears form again. Sad boy hours hello. "a-and well i-i-" I see his hands move over to hold mine. He gives it a strong yet still light squeeze to show that he's there. "it's the least I could do... ," Claude takes a second, "and I will do it again." I look at his face. A single tear falling down. "you wanna know why?" I nod. "because I love you." his cheeks show quite a blush. While mine are pretty much their now default shade of tomato red. But hearing his words towards me. Yes me. Not female Byleth but actually me. It just. It makes me so happy. I must be grinning from ear to ear because I can see Claude trying to hide a chuckle. "and I love you too my scheme king!" I also move my other hand over to his. We entwine our fingers. He moves closer and I do the same. I-I'm not ready for my first kiss aaaaaaaaa. We move closer and closer until he moves away and stops at my ear. "come to my room later tonight, I want to talk in private with you. " he whispers and I'm only left to stutter a small sure. He moves back to his seat and I do the same. Now that that is over I can finally analyze where I'm sitting. I see other tables with people behind Claude, yet behind me there are none. Wait, Claude was the one to ask me out for tea. He's in the seat Byleth would usually be in. Heh let's see how well Claude can choose topics that I like.

Be prepared, updates will now come way later than normally. I'm with my family in Poland to meet my grandpa for like a week and then school starts again. I'll try my best to update weekly but don't be dissapointed when I don't -evonacht

(DISCONTINUED) From another world (Claude x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now