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I get woken up by the blinding lights of dawn. I stretch before crawling out of bed. I look around the room for any kinds of necessities like maybe a hairbrush. Fortunately I could find one followed by some perfume and other hygienic products I can use in the hot springs. I also found a book with all the rules and history of the monastery written in it. The cover reads 'Guide to your new school'. I flip through it a bit before hearing a knock. I close the book and walk up to the door. I unlock it and peek outside to see who it is, Thankfully it's just Byleth who's holding my uniform. "Morning" I say, still having the door cover my clothes. "Good Morning, I've brought your new clothes, put them on and then we'll go to class." He hands me the items. I grab them, excuse myself and lock the door to change. I look at my new clothes, the whole thing resembles Ingrids uniform perfectly, the only difference are the shoes, they're only simple flats. I also have black over knee stockings. I quickly put it on and comb through my hair a bit to look presentable and then go back to the door. I walk out and see Byleth observe me from head to toe. I lock my dorm room and hid the key in one of my pockets. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I start walking and Byleth quickly catches up. I lead away the fastest way to the classrooms. "You know you're way pretty well." I laugh a little, "I know the monastery grounds like the back of my hand! It feels so good to finally be able to see everything first hand." Byleth looks as if he were to comment something but decides not to. Before I know it we're standing infront of the golden deer room. "Follow me to the front" my teacher says and I nod. We walk in and the rowdy class gets silent by my presence. We walk to the front and I turn around only to see the whole class' eyes being fixed on me. I look at my hands fiddling with the hems of my shirt. God this is embarrassing. I hate introductions. "Ok class from today on you will have a new student going to your class. If you could introduce yourself to class?" He looks at me and I nod before facing the class again. "H-hello my name's (y/n) I'm (y/a) years old. This will be my first day in the officers academy so I hope we can become great friends." I smile a little at the end. "Thank you (y/n) you may sit in the back row." Byleth explains. I nod again and walk to my assigned seat, on the way there I spot Claude looking intensely at me. Our eyes meet and I can't help but smile and wave while passing. He waves back and goes back to looking to the blackboard. I sit down and class starts.

As soon as the first break starts literally everyone comes to my table and bombs me with questions. Oh fuck what should I say??? "Everyone please don't talk over each other. She is clearly overwhelmed by all the questions! Why don't we start by introducing us?" Claude says to silence everyone. No one seems to be against it so he continues, "My name is Claude von Riegan, I'm the house leader of the golden deer, I'm also the heir to the Leictester Alliance. A pleasure to have you in our house! But no need for formalities with me, I'm just a student as everyone else here." He smiles, but his eyes tell another story. I smile back and greet him. The others do as he did and also introduce themselves. After Ignatz is done with his the questions start again. "Where are you from?" asks Hilda. "Just a small town, I can't tell you in which country though. All I can say is I was nowhere near fodlan born." The reactions are greatly different. "Are you a commoner or why did you not give us a second name?" Lorenz asks, of course he would. " I'm just a simple commoner with no crest. Or do I? I still need to talk to professor Hanneman about it. I literally arrived yesterday. About the last name part, I do have one but I don't want to share it. I don't really like it that much" the second I said commoner his demeanor turned into boredom. I didn't expect less of him. "What do you like to do in your spare time?" Lysithea asks. "Well, I like to draw and read. I also like to relax and eat sweets!" Ignatz lights up at the mention of drawing, just as Hilda does as I talked about relaxing and eating sweets. So predictable, but I love these dorks so much. They ask some more like "Why are you transferring in the middle of the year?" but I can't answer as break just ended. Time for some more lessons.

(DISCONTINUED) From another world (Claude x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now