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A whole week is over with yet no signs of the whereabouts of the missing girls. Everyone has grouped up into a search team and we're now looking around the monastery with Teach as our leader. As we soon find out, Manuela and even Jeritza have also gone missing. That is when it hits me. "Teach I think I know where they might be! (y/n) wrote about a masked knight yes? Well what if she meant Jeritza? It would make so much more sense then implying that the Death knight kidnapped her. Jeritza is always walking around with a mask on so it can only be him." The others approve of my theory and we're now walking to Jeritzas room. "knock knock is anybody- whoah professor Manuela!?" As we step in we find Manuela laying on the floor. "look she's pointing at something there!" Hilda comments and I instantly walk over to the bookshelf. "So we follow where she's pointing and- oh what do we have here? Now that's a rather suspicious hole behind that shelf" but before I could inquire to see what's inside Professor Hanneman walks in asking for an explanation. He asks Raphael to help carry Manuela to the infirmary and we soon head on in to the tunnel. "It's waaaay too creepy down here and it even smells funny." Hilda complains like she always does and I spot something further ahead. "I-is that a person? They're unconscious" I say out loud. "Is that Flayn?" Byleth asks. "Yes that must be her... and who is that girl beside her? Well it doesn't matter we have to get them to the infirmary quickly!" Ignatz says. Ignatz and I try to pick them up and drag their bodies back to the hole, that is when we hear heavy footsteps and a dragging sound coming closer. We lay the girls down and look back at who just appeared. "Is that... the knight we fought at the holy mausoleum?" Ignatz asks no one in particular. In one hand is his scythe and in the other is- Wait (y/n)? He's dragging her body behind him like a sack of potatoes. I get more than just a bit angry at how he treats her. "What did you do to (y/n)!?" I ask. He looks down at her and lifts her body by her hair. Her entire body shows cuts and bruises of various sizes. Oh he's gonna get it now. "Her? Why would I tell you puny child?", he looks to teach, "That sword... looks like one of us is going to die tonight" he laughs menacingly and flees into the deeper parts of this cave. Somehow lots of enemies appear and we're left with no other option but to fight them to free (y/n).

We were able to corner the death knight and successfully beat him down. He still has (y/n) in his grasp. "Kill them" He says and before he could do anything another person teleportes behind him. "Halt. You're having a bit too much fun." Another masked man says. "You're getting in the way of my game." "Hmpf you'll have more opportunities in the future. Your work here is done." "Understood I will go..." I see him preparing to teleport away and I run at him with full force and tackle him. He loses his grasp on (y/n) and I run to her and pick her up from the ground. The death knight was only able to watch as he teleports away without her. I run behind my allies with (y/n) in my arms and continue to observe what this other person is going to do about my behavior. Yet he only scoffs at me and faces the Professor. "We will cross paths again. I am the Flame emperor... It is I who will reforge the world." Yeah I totally belive you sketchy clothed individual. After his small speech he also vanishes into thin air. Well that is going to be a problem I can think about later, first I have to get (y/n) to the infirmary. Those wounds don't look that good.

(y/n) POV

God everything hurts. Am I still in that underground grotto? No it can't be, my body feels warm and safe. Are these covers? Thank god they were able to find me. I really should've made that hint less ominous and more direct. I could've just written Jeritza on it and maybe I would've been able to make it without almost getting tortured to death by death himself. I shake lightly at he thought of him again. "I think she's waking up! And she's shivering... get her some blankets asap!" I groan out loud at this statement. "I don need no blankets" I groggily say while propping my upper body up. It hurts quite a bit but I still manage by some arms helping me up. I slowly open my eyes. After adjusting to the bright environment I start looking around. I'm in a cozy room with other beds and some medical supplies here and there. I look to my right and see none other than the most beautiful man alive and to my left there's Manuela. "Sup" I grin, but I think it turned more into a grimace. My face does feel rather numb after that crazy beating I got from Jeritza... "How are you feeling?" Claude looks at me softly, whoa he never really did that in game! Well except the S-support art- wait does that mean that he likes me that way!? No no I'm thinking too much he probably likes no one and only tries to achieve his goals. "Just peachy" I say, my voice rather hoarse... "Here," Claude hands me a glass of water that was sitting on the bed side table. I take small sips and then I chug the rest. "Haha you seem to be very thirsty. Want me to get you some more?" I give him the glass back and answer "I'd literally die for another glass" We both chuckle and he stands up from his chair. "I'll be right back." He leaves the room and my smile falls back to a monotone face. "I don't think we've met yet. My name is Manuela and I'm the head teacher of the blue lions house. I'm also in charge of the infirmary." "Hi you already know my name don't you? Well either way I'm (y/n). It's nice to make your acquaintance..." The room falls silent and I let my gaze fall on my hands. They automatically grasped each other in a comforting way. "Well it seems you're alright for the time being. Is it ok if I leave you for now?" My whole body freezes. "N-No! don't l-leave. I don't wanna be alone again. W-what if he appears again?" My body starts shaking and I fell my vision blurr lightly. "Of course, I'l stay until Claude return." I instantly calm lightly down by the mention of his name. "Oh? Do happen to like him? Tell me what do you fell for him?" Manuela starts teasing. I feel my cheeks turn red. "I-it's not what you think! A-and he probably doesn't like me back so that's that..." "Awww don't be down about it. The way he ran into the room with you in his arms made it pretty obvious that he has at least some bit of attraction towards you. " She chuckles lightly. "You sure?" I hold my cheeks to cool them down, don't want him to see me like this haha... Speaking of which he just came in with a jug full of water. I can also see Seteth, Flayn and Byleth entering the room. "I've brought some guests" Claude says cheerily. "Hello (y/n), how do you feel?" Seteth asks "Ugh everything hurts. I can also feel like suuuper immense pain from within." "Yes that should be expected, you have lots of inner bleeding's" Manuela says, I do a fake sigh of relief "Thank god it's just inner bleeding's. That's where the blood is supposed to be!" I laugh and wink at everyone. Byleth looks concerned clearly not getting my joke, Manuela looks a bit upset and excuses herself , did I offend her somehow? Seteth groans, Flayn giggles a little and Claude snickers a little to himself. "We've not met yet have we? I'm Flayn it's a pleasure to meet you" "Oh please the pleasures all mine. I'm sorry that you've gotten kidnapped... If only I were with you sooner maybe we could've avoided the whole situation... If only I wasn't so careless" I clench my teeth and slam my fists lightly on the bed sheets. "Please don't worry about it. This situation is not your fault. That Flame emperor and the Death knight are to blame not you!" Flayn ushers over to me and takes one of my hands into hers in a comforting way. ".. if only you knew..." I mumble to myself. Thank god no one heard that. "Oh can you pour me another glass please?" "Sure thing sweet cheeks" He winks at me before pouring that fresh water into my glass. I take it and down its contents yet again. Claude automatically refills it and this time I normally drink half of it and then lay it back on the table. "If it isn't too much could you tell us what happened? Flayn and Monica can't seem to recall any memories from the incident but you were treated differently from them maybe you know something?" Byleth says. I didn't expect him to talk more than in the game but I guess this isn't a game and people can't always just say one sentence and call it a day. I sigh out, this time a real one. "Ok so I was kidnapped yada yada, they did that while I was asleep so I didn't really notice getting abducted. I later woke up again in that cave tied up. Next to me was Flayn who had like a tube sticking out of her arm that took blood from her. Thankfully she was unconscious all the time. And t-then he came in. The death knight or should I say Jeritza? Well he came in with his whole dark armor and lots of different kinds of w-weapons. He laid them out in front of me and then asked me to choose one object. I instantly knew he would use these tools to... torture me, for information." I pause to take a deep breath. "He left and came back with another person. This guy that also entered, his name's Flame emperor. Some w-weird fucking psychopath trying to take over fodlan I tell you! J-jeritza asks me what item I chose and I just pointed to some random ass d-dagger or something. He took it and attacked me with it. He slashed my cheek and Flamey in the background asked what I-I knew about them. I always answered nothing because that is what I k-know. They didn't l-like that and continued to hurt me. I stayed either silent or just told them that this was a misunderstanding. Because the reason Jeritza was after me was just that. After what felt like hours upon hours of torture my body gave in and I fell unconscious." The room is silent and I feel tears forming. Nop time to turn on my coping mechanism! Bad jokes in inappropriate times! "Not gonna lie that was the worst kind of foreplay I've ever experienced." I chuckle. Seteth looks outraged, Flayn looks clueless and Byleth looks confused and angry but also just done at the same time, sorry boo. I look at Claude and he holds himself by the wall while holding his mouth shut. "Dude you can laugh out loud if you want. I'd even join but laughing hurts my lungs a lot. You know, because of screaming at the top of my lungs from getting the worst pain ever inflicted to me." He bursts out laughing. "Aw fuck" He holds his sides and tries to take deep breaths which only return as wheezing out of his mouth. I smile, success! When boo laughs at your jokes. Just girly things. Seteth coughs lightly trying to get us back to he topic. "Did anything after that happen?" "Nop, the next thing I know is waking up in this bed. By the way, Which day is today?" "Oh you haven't heard? It's already has already been 3 weeks since your kidnapping."

(DISCONTINUED) From another world (Claude x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now