Chapter 2: Dad!

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I pushed my way around the battle field, taking out bad guy after bad guy, using my arrows, my widow bites and my hand blasters and I kicked some bad guy butt. That was until I got too cocky and took on a real big guy. He was at least twice the size of me and with everything I had, I still wasn't even close to his level.

I kicked, hit, punched and kneed, every inch of him but the dude just wouldn't fall. I let out a scream as he picked me up and threw me to the floor. I watched as his hand raised and I flinched but before I could do anything the dude was blasted with red bursts of energy, I looked up to see Wanda firing shot after shot at the guy, I picked up my bow and pulled out my last arrow, I loaded it up, set a widow bite on the end and I fired it at the guy. The widow bite hit him first sending him on his knees and then the arrow exploded sending the dude to the ground.

"Thanks." I sighed as I stood up and brushed myself off. 

"Anytime little sister." She smiled. I was about to say something else when I saw a streak of light fly through the giant space ship that was hovering above us. 

"Danver's we need an assist down here." I heard Steve call, then the streak rushed to the floor. 

"Hold tight." Wanda told me as she used her magic and lifted me into the air. I was pulled along with her as she followed where the light had landed. I look down to see a woman, around Nat's age maybe, she had short blonde hair and she was looking down at some one. I watched as she moved a side and I saw Peter looking towards where a big group of alien guys were heading her way. 

"I don't know how you're gonna get through all that." He stated and that was when Wanda had decided to make us known.

"Don't worry." Wanda assured him as he looked around. 

"She as help." I told him as I landed on the floor in front on Wanda. Okoye, Pepper and some other ladies appeared to help and I smiled.

"The blue suits you mum." I called out. My mum turned looking a little surprised a little and I waved. 

"Evie?" She asked shocked. I lifted a hand and waved before Wanda took my attention. Pete didn't seem to hear my mum because he was still looking around in bewilderment at all the women about to stand by...who ever this chick is. 

"Stark, you stay here, Keep Parker safe." She instructed. I nodded and grabbed Peters hand and pulled him along side me. I had barely made a couple of feet before I was face to face with an alien thing. 

"Crap." I huffed as I tugged on my bow and felt it become a staff. I hit the creator hard and fast, spinning and twisting as I dodged most of his hits. 

"Come on, can't a girl spend a little time catching up with her boyfriend!" I called as a fist can at me. I felt the glass in my helmet break, not enough to course me any harm but enough that I couldn't see so I had to remove it. I pushed the button on my suit quickly and the helmet crawled back, revealing my face.

"Evie?" I heard Peter asked shocked. 

"Just as second honey, kinda saving your butt." I called as I struck the alien in it head and sent him on his ass. I sighed a sigh of relief before I turned to see Peter and smile.

"Hey baby." I ginned, tears in my eyes as he walked over and held me at arms length. 

"What... how...What the hell are you doing here?" He asked as he brought me into his arms and held me tight. 

"Helping, looking for you, looking for my dad and kicking Thanos butt because he dusted me." I told him. "Now, come on, I gotta..." I saw cut off by a pair of lips on my and I sunk into Peters arms as the kiss made me weak at the knees. 

I pulled away breathless and smiled.

"I live you, you know that right?" Pete sighed as he hugged me tight.

"I love you too Pete. But, where's my..." A serge of power blasted though the air and I searched frantically looking for where it came from. I spotted Thanos, looking shocked and beaten as he sat down and turned to dust.

"We did it?" I asked as I turned to Peter, but Peter's eyes were fixed on something else.

Some one else.

I ran, not caring about anything else I just ran, keeping my eyes fixed on my dad as he struggled to walk and fell to the floor. I ran as a watched Rhodey land in front of him and check on him.

I felt myself being lift off the ground and I saw Peter as he held me tight, swinging us over to where my dad sat. 

We landed, a couple feet away from him and I almost fell to the floor at the sight of him. 

"Dad?" I asked as I ran over, "Dad, it's me, It's Evie." I told him as I fought back tears.

"Evie?" He croaked and I nodded

"Yeah I'm here. I'm here." I cried. My dad just starred up at me. "Pete's here too." 

"Hey Mr Stark, it's Peter, can you hear me?" Peter asked, his voice breaking as he held onto my dad. My dad's eyes fell on Pete, but still he didn't say anything. 

"Hey, we won Mr Stark. We won." He told my dad. "You did it sir, you did it." 

I watched as my boyfriend moved and I sat by my dad again. 

"I'm sorry dad, I should have found you earlier, I should have...I'm sorry." I said as I cried, holding tight until I felt and hand on my back. I looked up to see my mum and I stood up and dived into her arms.

"Mum." I broke. I moved aside so my mum could speak to him. I stood there, motionless as my mum said her good byes.

"Hey," She whispered. My dad looked at her and smiled the best her could. 

"Pepper." He breathe out as he moved his hand and placed it on top of hers.

"Tony," my mum smiled sadly at him.  "look at me, we're gonna be OK, you can rest now.".

I watched bow her head as my dad's head fell and the light in his suit went out. 

"NO!" I cried as I threw myself at my dad as he lay there motionless. "Daddy, please, don'" I broke, letting tears fall from down my face. I sat up and Planted one last kiss on my dads cheek. "I love you dad. Remember that OK?" I spoke. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Peter was crying. The whole team was stood around my dad. All except Nat. Nat was the only person I hadn't seen at all and I had a feeling I knew why.

"Where...Where's Nat?" I asked as I looked around hoping I was wrong. The group all looked around too, except Clint, Bruce and Steve. "Where is she?"

"Evie..." Clint spoke up, a look of sadness and loss in his eyes. I shook my head at him, I knew what was coming and I wasn't ready to hear it.

"No...Please, don't." I told him as he stepped forward. "She's not, she can't be."

"Peanut, I'm sorry, she didn't make it back when we went to get the Infinity stone." Clint told me. That was it, I broke down and I couldn't stop. I felt my whole world crumble as I to my knees at my dads side and I just cried and cried into my dads chest until I felt a pair arms wrap around me and lift me into the air. I could tell it was Clint, so I wrapped my arms around his neck and I buried my face in his shoulder as I cried softly. 

Today I lost the two most important people in my life and I honesty don't know how I'm gonna survive without them. 

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