Chapter 20: Morgan's Birthday

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I quickly rushed around my bedroom, grabbing my outfit for the day something mum had given me to wear for the day specifically.

I pulled on a pair of light washed skinny Jean's, A red tank top and a flannel wrapped around my waist. I would also wear Black leather jacket later. I slid on my Black converse and various pieces of jewellery. I slid my hair up into a messy bun, as I left the room I spotted Peter's ring on my table and I couldn't help but smile, wide at the thought of somebody wanting to spend their life with little ol' me. I picked it up and slid it onto my right hand and then rand down the stairs.

"Morning mum." I called as I noticed her in the kitchen, fixing breakfast.

"Morning honey." She Smiled I walked over and placed a kiss in her cheek.

"Where's Miss Morgan?" I asked when I noticed my sister was no where to be seen.

"Not quite woken her up yet." Mum smiled as she placed the now ready food on the table.

"I'll wake her." I smiled and set off to get my sister up except as I exited the kitchen I heard the door bell ring.

"You get the door, I'll get your sister." Mum smiled as she sped off.

"It's probably Peter anyway." I called out. As predicted, when I opened the door I can face to face with a smiley Peter Parker.

Before I could even put a sentence together I was pulled into Peter's arms and his lips were on mine. I'm not sure how long we were there but we where broken apart my a voice behind us,

"Pete, can you at least wait until you get in the house before you eat my sisters face?'s gross" Morgan sass, making Pete and I pull apart laughing. We stepped inside and closed the door before he grabbed my waist and kissed me again.

"Better?" He joked as he pulled away and let go of me.

"Nope...still gross." Morgan mock gagged as she sat down at the table.

"Yeah well...whatever." Pete chuckled as we walked over and sat down at the table. It wasn't till then I noticed Peter's outfit was some what similar to mine. He had on a red shirt on under his open flannel as well as black converse.

"Looking good Pete." I smiled as I sat next to my boyfriend who smiled.

"Yeah May was insistent I wore this today." He shrugged. He looked down at me and smiled.

"We match." He gasped and I nodded.

"Yeah, and I have a feeling this wasn't an accident." I shook my head.

"Good Morning Peter." My mum grinned at the scene that just unfolded infront of her.

"Morning Mrs. Stark."

"So, what's your plans today?" She asked as she dished us all out breakfast. I grabbed the coffee pot and poured mum, Pete and I some, then poured Morgan some OJ.

"Well, I figured with you ate work today, we'll take Morgan out for her first birthday celebration with her big sister." I grinned wide at my little sister who started bouncing up and down excitedly.


"Oh yeah, big day missy, so after breakfast go change OK?" I told her and with that she got back to breakfast.

"Then we'll meet you for some dinner before Pete and I head home." I continued to mum who nodded.

"Sounds fun. I am gonna try get out of this meeting early. I'm really sorry I'm working today  but apparently this couldn't wait until tomorrow." My mum huffed.

"It's OK, honestly I would have kidnapped her today anyway." I smiled as Morgan finished her food and ran of upstairs to change.

"It's the first time I will spend her birthday with her. I really hope she likes what i have planned." I sighed getting a little worried.

I had never planned a birthday outing for anyone before...let alone my 6 year old sister.

"Don't worry, what ever you guys have planned, she will love it because she is with her favourite people." Mum smiled as she stood up. She cleared the table once we had eaten then left, leaving Me and Pete to tidy the pots while Morgan, still changed.

About 5 minutes after mum left Morgan came bounding down stairs, wearing exactly the same outfit as me and Peter. I let out a laugh as she stopped and grinned at us.

She ran over to us, holding her brand new converse and a flannel.

"Evie, can you help me?" She asked. I nodded and taking the shoes and sitting her in the chair at the table.

"I assume this was your doing?" I asked pointing at hers clothes, then mine. She nodded proudly as I slipped her shoes on then stood her up, wrapping her flannel around her waist, much like mine.

"Oh, that is just too cute." Peter gushed as he pulled out his phone. Morgan and I chuckled, posing for the photo, the we took a selfie with the three of us. That one I posted with the caption:

Birthday Princess Morgan demanded matching outfits for her birthday Pete and I obliged. Happy Birthday Baby Stark, I hope you enjoy today, your first birthday with your big sister

"Cars here!" Peter called out and we all grabbed our jackets and left the house.

"Hey guys." Happy smiled. He handed Morgan a small gift as we climbed in the car.

"So, I believe I am at your service today." He chuckled as he began driving.

"Yes, well, its Morgans special day so we have a whole list of things to do." I smiled. Happy chuckled and we let out day begin.

The day was as so:

Birthday breakfast ✔

Zoo ✔

Lunch at the park ✔

Shopping ✔

beauty salon for a hair do and manicure ✔

Dinner with mum and May ✔

"So, how was work?" I asked mum as we finished dinner, waiting for our dessert.

"It was OK, we got some news today that kind of involves you."

"Me?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, you, I am gonna set up a meeting an a couple days, you need to be there." She told me and i nodded.

"Can Pete be there too?"

"Yeah, of course. I guess if he and you are planning and being together for a while, this involves him too."

"If this involves Pete, I should..." May began but Mum just stopped her.

"Absolutely, I wouldn't have it any other way."

"So...any clue on what it could be about?" I asked but she shook her head.

"Sorry honey, I can't talk about any of it until there is a lawyer present. But don't worry, it's not bad." She smiled as she took my hand in hers and gave it a squeeze.

I was about to answer back when the whole restaurant burst into a loud round of 'Happy Birthday' which left my sister in a face splitting grin.

"Happy Birthday Morgan" we all cheered as she blow out the candles on her cake.

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