Chapter 18: Home

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I sat on the plane next to Peter, my hand in his, my legs flung over his lap and my head on his shoulder. His fingers played with the new ring on my finger as we sat and watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

We must have been a few hours into the flight when I felt Peter's head rest on mine, his hand fell from mine and soon soft snores could be heard from my resting boyfriend.

I slowly and carefully moved to be more comfortable, curling up closer into my boyfriends chest and let sleep take over.

3rd person P.O.V

While things were quite MJ snuck a look at her two friends and smiled to herself.

After Evie lost her dad and Aunt she was different. She wasn't as happy as she used to be. Sure she smiled alot but there was something in Evie's eyes that told MJ she didn't mean it.

MJ and Evie had gotten close since she came to school. She honestly could say Evie was her very bestfriend and she was happy that Evie had Peter to make her happy.

"You know, you shouldn't stare like that." MJ heard Ned whisper from beside her.

"I'm just happy for them." She grinned looking over at her other friend. "She hadn't been herself since she lost Tony and Nat, but she...she seems a little better today, since she got back from her date with Pete the other night, she had a real smile on her face for the first time in a long time."

"What are you talking about" Ned quizzed. "She is always smiling."

"Yeah, she is but there was always something in her eyes that told me she wasn't really happy." MJ explained looking back over to her closest friends. "But she's got that sparkle back in her eye."

"Yeah, probably because of that new piece of jewellery nestled on her finger." Ned snorted as he sat down.

That was the moment MJ noticed the diamond ring that sat on Evie's finger, her hand resting on Peter's chest.

"It was his mums ring. Pete told me that he was gonna give it to her, sort of like a promise ring." Ned explained.

MJ couldn't contain the joy inside as she smiled.

"They were made for each other."

Evie's P.O.V

***Back an New York.***

Pete and I were woken as the plane was landing and pretty soon we all left the plane and heading towards baggage claim.

"I can't wait to see mum and Morgan." I told Pete, I was physically buzzing with excitement and anticipation.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see May too." Pete smiled at me as we waited to grab our bags.

The bags soon came round and Peter grabbed our bags and we handed me mine. We linked hands and walked over to the waiting area.

It wasn't hard to spot our family as we came into view. There, in front of everybody, stood my mum, wearing normal clothes, Morgan stood holding a giant pink sign that read:


Also stood with mum and Morgan stood May who let out a loud squeal and she spotted up.

Pete and I rushed over and were instantly pulling into hugs by mum and May.

"Oh, I missed you so much." Mum muttered into my hair. I felt tears fill my eyes and I felt myself hold tighter.

"I didn't realise how much I missed you guys till now." I chuckled through the tears. Morgan wrapped her arms around my waist and I pulled away to hug her.

"Hey squirt." I chuckled. She looked up and me and wiped away then hugged me, holding on tight.

"I missed you Evie!"Morgan exclaimed as we pulled out of our embrace.

"So, how was it?" Mum asked as we began our exit from the airport.

"Amazing, everything we saw was incredible." I gushed.

"You're feeling better now then?" Mum question and I nodded.

"100% back to normal." I nodded and she smiled brightly.


We all exited the airport and went to our cars. Mum and Morgan had decided I was starting at their house tonight so we could catch up so Peter and I said our goodbyes and mum set off to the cabin.

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