Chapter 3: Morgan Evelyn Stark

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Once Strange has made a bunch of portal type things we all walked through and found ourselves back at the Avengers base where I laid quietly on the sofa , my head in my mums lap as she quietly brushed her fingers through my hair as she soothed my silent cries.

"You guys have been go five years." I heard one of the team explain. Steve I think, I wasn't really paying much attention.

"Five years?" I heard Bucky ask from a seat close by.

"Yeah, we did everything we could to get you back. But only now did we figure it all out."

"Five years...I...I need to get back to May." Peter rushed as he stood up from my side.

"Evie, I have to go, I need to make sure May is OK." My boyfriend told me as he knelt down in front of my mum and I. " you want to stay with you mum, or come home?" He asked me.

"I can't go home yet...not without Nat." I sniffled as I sat up and looed him in the eye.

He was covered in dirt and blood, his hair was messy and his eyes were red and puffy from the crying. Pete might not have been my dads son, but my dad looked out for him, he kept an eye out for him and May and he was a father figure to Pete so I understood why he was upset, but I could also see he was holding back for my sake.

"I know, are you gonna be OK?" He asked as he placed a hand on my cheek. And rested his forehead to mine.

"I...I'll survive. I'll be with mum." I assured him. He nodded, kissed my forehead, whispered 'I love you' then stood up.

"I love you too Pete." I called to him.

"Ill call you later." He called and I watched as he walked out of the room and then I turned back to starring at the wall.

"Evie..." mum said quietly as she moved in the seat next to me, tearing me away from my spot. "We kinda need to talk." She told me. 

"Yeah? what's up?" I sniffed as I turned my whole body to face her. 

"Listen, like Steve said before it's been five years since the...well since you disappeared."

"Yeah, I heard." I nodded.

"Well, a lot have things changed in the time and well, one of those things were that your dad and I got married." She smiled sadly as she played with a peace of paper in her hand. 

"Really? That's great." I smiled at as I pulled her into a hug. "I promise I am happy for you I just..." 

"I understand. Today really sucked, but I kinda have one more thing to tell you before I take you home." She insisted as she handed me a small piece of paper. I looked down at it to see a photo of a little girl, around four, holding a photo of me and Peter. I looked up confused at my mum, who smiled down at the photo.

"That was taken on her 4th birthday, she wanted a picture with the photo Tony kept of the two of you." Mum explained.

"Cool, who is she?"

"Honey, That's Morgan Evelyn Stark." My mum told me as she grabbed my hand. "She's Tony and I's daughter. She's your sister."

I sat there quiet for a moment before I found the words. 

"I have a sister?"

"Yeah. you do." 

"Does she know about me?" I asked curiously.

"Are you kidding me, your dad told her about you all the time. She was named after you, we didn't think there was anything we could do to get you back so your dad and I wanted to keep you alive in our memories." She explained. "Do you want to meet her?" 

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