Chapter 7: Being Back Home

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Monday morning...D-day...the day I had been dreading all weekend. The day I go back home.

All weekend Pepper, Morgan and I had spent the weekend together, just the three of us. We had packed up the things Peter had brought me when I first moved in here. We watched a million movies, ate tons of junk food and just enjoyed spending time together before everything changed.

This morning, things were quiet. We all knew what was happening and I guess we just wanted to forget for as long as we could.
I changed into a pair of blue washed out jeans a black crop top and my leather jacket. I headed down stairs and made breakfast for everyone while Happy helped Sam and Bucky, who we called to help move my stuff back to queens.

"You almost ready?" I heard my mum ask as she entered the kitchen, wearing one of her iconic 'Pepper Potts/Stark' pencil skirts and her blazer that matched.

"Ladies and gentlemen...Pepper Stark is back!" I called out as I plated up breakfast.

"It feels good too." Mum smiled as she kissed Morgans head and sat down.

"BOYS FOOD!" I called out as I sat down. Happy, Bucky and Sam all walked in and sat at the table with us and then we shared a breakfast so full of life and laughter we almost forgot that there was people missing. Almost.

9 am soon arrived and mum and Morgan left for school and work. I did one last tidy up as I double checked I had everything.

"You ready to go doll?" Bucky asked from my bedroom doorway and I nodded. Grabbing the last box I had insisted on carrying with me and we walked out.

"Let's go." I insisted. We left the cabin and locked up, climbing in the car and the drove off.

The ride was pretty quiet, well except for the constant bickering from Sam and Bucky over the best direction to go.

We pulled up out side the apartment a little while later and I climbed out, clutching my box tight.

The boys grabbed the boxes, Happy, who had dropped of mum and Morgan, soon arrived and helped as we took the boxes upstairs. I stood outside the apartment not quite ready to enter.

"You OK peaches?" I heard Sam ask as he walked up behind me. I looked at him confused and he chuckled. "Figured I'd see if I could take your mind off of it and it worked, now you're confused  u the nickname." He grinned as he walked passed me and I chuckled before taking a deep breath and entered my home.

I looked around and everything was exactly as we had left it. Clothes in a pile by the washer, pots on the drying rack to be put away.

Someone had been in here to clean out the fridge of food and had discarded anything that would go off and smell.

But other than that everything was the same. I wondered around, looking at the photos hanging on the wall of Nat and I or of my dad and I. It had brought tears to my eyes just searching around and I let out a deep breath when I came to her bedroom.

"If you need help clearing some of her stuff, we can stick around." Sam offered as he and Bucky stood by me. I nodded quietly and opened the door.

After five years and...a few months, the room still smelled like her. Her room was weirdly tidy but it was Nat, she was brought up a certain way and I got that. I took a beep breath and the three of us entered. Happy had left to deal with some stuff so it was just the two bozos and I.

The first thing we did was pack away her things around the room. Photo frames of her close friends and the team. Perfume and other trinkets around the room.

I had decided that I wanted to keep some of her things, you know a couple of the photos, the perfume she used because it was her favourite and it smelt like her.

Then we went though her clothes. Now it sounds weird, I know, but I went through her clothes and kept a few of them too. Mostly her jackets and her shoes, because I used to take them all the time anyway.

After packing away Nat's things the boys left. And I was alone it the big apartment and I hated it. I did everything I could to busy myself. I cleaned my bedroom, I watched a movie and even cleaned my lab but everything seemed to drift back to the fact that I was alone so I decided to do something about it.

I walked out of my apartment and knocked on the door of Peter and May Parker. I waited for a minute, listening to the shuffling behind the door then it opened to reveal a shocked looking Peter.

"Evie? Hey!" He smiled as he pulled me into a hug.

"Hey Pete." I smiled, feeling relieved and relaxed to be in his arms.

"What are you doing here?" He asked pulling away.

"Gee, feeling the love babe." I chuckled as I wondered back out the door, jokingly of course. Pete laughed and grabbed my waist and pulled me into his apartment.

He turned me to face home and he smiled down at me. "I'm sorry." He whispered as he pulled me into a long, soft kiss.

"OK, now I'm feeling the love." I muttered against his lips.

"So, tell me, what are you doing here?" He asked as he led me into the apartment and onto the sofa.

"Mum's letting me stay in my apartment while I finish school." I explained. Pete nodded and it seemed to click as to why I was here because she wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his chest.

"Are you OK?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I'm about as good as can be expected, we went into the apartment before and I just felt this unbearable feeling of missing her. Sam and Buck stuck around and helped me pack her things away ready for Wanda moving in." I explained and he nodded understanding.

"Well, atleast you won't be alone when she moves in." He offered and I nodded.

"Yeah, well, she moves in tomorrow, but for tonight I'm gonna be all alone and..."

"And you were wondering if Pete wanted to stay with you?" I heard May ask as she entered the room. I turned and nodded.

"If you guys don't mind." I smiled and May nodded.

"It's fine by me." She shrugged and then grabbed her stuff and kissed the two of us on the head.

"Just make sure you both eat and don't be up too late." May ordered and we both nodded. "And Peter stays on the couch."

"Of course." We both smiled then May waved goodbye and left, obviously for work.

Peter wondered off to grabbed his stuff and I left the apartment to order pizza. Pete entered the apartment a couple minutes later and we pretty much just sat and watched TV most of the night.

"You tired?" Pete asked as I let out a yawn and rest my head on his shoulder I nodded and closed my eyes.

"Come on, you need to sleep in your own bed." He chucked as I groaned.

"No, I don't want to sleep alone." Whined. "Will you sleep with me?" I asked but looked up when I head him chuckle. I looked at him confused then I remembered what I said.

"No, I ment sleep next to me, I'm my bed."

"I know what you meant babe. Come on, we'll lock up and go to bed." He told me and I nodded.

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