Chapter 30: A Very Important Question

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Being the CEO of a multi billion dollor compony was no easy task, let me tell you.

It had been three months since I had taken over SI and honestly, I was crushing it.

Already we had managed to inprove productivity on our work. Ww had laurnched a project fo safer and cleaner energy and we had even managed to accept 25 more interns into the student program.

At first the older, more experianed memebers of the SI bored, which we all of them, we alittle aprehensive about letting me jump in with my plans to better the compony and it's reputation. But after some powerfulll words from myself and my mum, I was given full access to everything I needed to get to work.

For the past three months, my days have been as such: Wake up next to pete, work with mum, have lunch with mum and Pete, sometime May woud come and join us, work some more, head home with Pete, have dinner and then relax before doing all again the next day.

I always put aside a day each week to spend with wit family. Last week I took Morgan to stay at the farm with the Bartons, Pete headin back to Queens to spend some time with May.

While I was spending a lot of time working, I had neglected my lab so after lunch I told my assistant Lexi, I was heading o my lab and that I wasn't to be disterbed by anyone but Pete and Pepper.

"Good aftenoon boss, where too?" F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice echoed throught he privet elevator.

"My lab, please F.R.I." I instructed. It went quiet and I fel the elevator move. When the doors opened I instantly felt myself relax. This was my home away from home, my fortress of solitude. My happy place.

Walking over to the private bathroom, I grabbed a set of spare clothes from one of the draws and change. I changed into a pair of light denim shorts, once of my dads old band shirts and one of Peters flannel shirts that I had "borrowed" a while ago.

I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and pulled my vans on over a pair of trainer socks.

onceback in my normal, eveyday clothes, I hung up my work clothes, a pancil skirt, a white blouse and a blazer, and got to work.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y can you let Pete know I'm in the lab, Pepper too. Call Princess Shuri and pull up my files marked urgent." I instructed as I stood at the table in the center of the room.

"Lady Stark!" I heard my friend call and I looked to the center of the room to see a lfe size holographic image of the Wakondan Princess.

"Your grace."   I bowed playfully.

"How've you been Evie?" she asked and I shrugged.


"Ah, yes well running a compony can be quite tiring." she nodded.

"Not like running a contary." I shot back.

"How's my OTP?"

"We're doing great. He's been taking good care of me, making sure I don't over work myself, making sure I spend time with Mum and Morgan. He's really been a rock through all of this." I smiled at her. She grinned and continued her work, whie I continued with mine.

This wasn't unusual for Shuri and I, we liked to work on our projects while conversing, occationally asking for each others help or giving feed back.

I was working hard at my computer, Shuri occationally throwing in a question here and there. I was trying to figure out a way to make use of on old plan my dad had disregarded my years ago. It was a way to make energy efficantly and at a low cost, however when my dad come up with this plan, technology wasn't as advanced as it is now and while it did look coplicated and a some of the equiptment needed hadn't yet advanced enough to do such a thing, I was determined to fin ways around it.

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