Chapter 24

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"Are you sure it looked alright, Tikki? So much went wrong! First the baby, and then my hair fell down-"

"It was amazing! And you looked like you were having fun!" Tikki said.

"Ya, you girls were amazing!" Trixx exclaimed.

"Hey, what about me?" Nino asked.

Trixx frowned, "Average."

"Trixx, be nice. Nino is my boyfriend," Alya said.

"Ya, ya, whatever...but speaking of boyfriends...A certain red and black kwami went on a date tonight."

Me, Nino, and Alya stopped walking and gasped, "Tikki?"

"It wasn't a date...we just watched your performance," She explained.

"Together," Trixx said, dreamily. Then made a 'bleh!' face.

As I was about to ask a question, my phone beeped.

A text...from Chat Noir.

'Ladybug. We need to talk. NOW.'

"Guys, we need to go," I said urgently.

Nino and Alya nodded.

"Tikki, spots on!"

"Trixx, let's pounce!"

"Wayzz, shell on!"


"Hey Chat-" I waved as me, Carapace, and Rena landed beside Chat Noir.

"No time. Ladybug...after you left, I saw something that got me thinking. You know, about what HawkMoth said...about our friends paying the price. Well, what if he wasn't talking about Carapace and Rena...Call Liam," Chat Noir explained.

I could feel myself go pale, "Why? You...huh! You don't, it couldn't be..." Alya immediately pulled out her bug phone.

"Come on Liam, pick up, pick up!" I murmured.

Nothing. The call went to voicemail.

Then I called someone else, "Nessie...Nessie always has her phone. She'll answer."

It went to voicemail.

"Noah...please Noah, please."


"Julia. Please, please, please Julia."

Then, a voice came on the other side.



"Julia, where are you?"

"In bed, sleeping."

"Julia, get out and hide! I think HawkMoth...I think he found out about you guys."

Julia was silent. Then, "Noah..."

"We already tried calling him. He...He didn't answer."


"Julia, get to the safe house. Lock yourself in. Don't open for anyone. Not even Noah. There are plenty of others he, and the others can go to. We'll be there soon."

"Marinette, it takes hours to get from Paris to Georgia!"

"For a plane, yes. But not for a superhero."

"Please be careful," Julia said, softly.

"You too. Don't be afraid."

"Don't worry. I'm not."

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