Chapter 27

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Chat was waiting beside Master Fu's airplane. Just the sight of him made me feel safer.

Our car stopped, and Chat ran over.

When he saw Nessie he frowned deeply, then looked at me with a questioning look.

I looked down. Liam and Noah were nowhere to be found.

Chat Noir picked up Nessie, and we walked in silence to the jet.

Suddenly, there was a loud roar.

I whipped around. A giant lion themed Akuma was firing...laser guns? Yes, laser guns at us.

"RUN!" I yelled.

Needless to say, we started running. Just as I made it up the stairs to the jet's door, the plane engine roared to life.

But the Akuma started blasting at the actual jet. If he keeps this up, he'd destroy our only way out of here.

I knew what I needed to do. Flashing out my yoyo, I turned to fight the Akuma.

But Luka was behind me, not letting me pass.

"Luka, move! Get in the jet!"

"No, Mari. Go save the Paris."

Then Luka pushed me in the plane, slamming the door behind me.

Suddenly, the plane lurched forward.

Julia ran to me and helped me up.

"He's gonna get himself killed! What's he thinking?!" I cried.

Julia was quiet, "He wasn't thinking...he's in love, Buganette."

I ran to a window and looked outside, desperately trying to get a glimpse of the Akuma or Luka. But they were gone.

Then, the plane took off.


"Nessie was alive, but badly injured. So then I let the purified Akuma go, and the magical ladybugs fixed Nessie's house. By the time we got to Liam and Noah's, no one was there. But there weren't any signs of a struggle either...and just to be safe, we checked the other safe houses, but no one was there," I finished. I'd just explained how we'd found and rescued Nessie.

She was sleeping now, her wounds already treated.

"I should have known HawkMoth would try this! When he said, friends...I should have known," I said, looking down, "I wouldn't have even known until it was too late for all of you if it hadn't been for Chat."

Chat took my hand, "Hey, that's what partners are for, right bugaboo?"

I looked up and gave a small smile, nodding.

"It's okay, Ladybug. You did what you could. No one expects any more from you," Julia said...she wasn't looking so good. She had dark bags under her eyes, and her pretty face was creased with worry.

"Julia, you should really get some sleep, don't you think?" I asked, kindly.

Julia hesitated, then nodded, "I don't know what good it'll do though..I'm just so worried about Liam and Noah."

I nodded, "Try. For them."

Julia nodded and went off into one of the 'rooms'. That left me and Chat.

We were both quiet, deep in thought. Then I looked up and saw Chat Noir looking at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked, sensing he wanted to talk.

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