Jake Gyllenhaal- drabble - Migraines

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First gender neutral reader woo! No pronouns at all haha

You laid on the couch facing the back of it and the wall. All the lights in the living room were off in a futile attempt to stop the horrible headache. It felt like your head was splitting in two. You felt the couch dip as your best friend sat down. He lifted the blanket off your face and you realized that he had turned on the lights.

"Jake not right now. I have a migraine." The couch dipped farther, he was probably lying down next to you now. "Jake," you warned, "I won't hesitate to punch you once my head stops pounding."

"Oh will you now? What if I get you first?"

"Just turn off the damn lights already."

"Okay, okay, fine. I'll turn off the lights."

"Thank you." You heard the soft click of the switches and pulled the blanket off your face.

"Do you need some meds?" You shook your head, wincing slightly at the pounding sensation it brought.

"Doesn't help."

"Do you want me to lay here with you?"

"As long as you aren't too loud." He grinned in the dark, the small amount of light from the other room catching his eyes. They seemed to glow. The couch dipped again as he laid down, arms wrapping around you. You turned to face him, a small smile gracing your features. He made this migraine a little better than before.

"Do you need anything else from me?"

"Just cuddles." Maybe a kiss would be nice. A quiet, breathy chuckle escaped his lips.

"A kiss? That's easy." You looked up at him quickly, realizing that you didn't think the last bit. Heat rushed to your cheeks and you buried your face in his chest to hide from the growing embarrassment. His fingers gently ran through your hair, taking random strands and twirling them around his fingers before moving to the next bit. "If you don't look at me I can't give you a kiss you know." You tensed slightly, not moving from your position in hiding. God, no. You couldn't live through a kiss from him. Your head pounded but you weren't sure if it was the migraine or the sudden rush of blood to your face. He chuckled again.

"Why are you laughing?" You asked, voice muffled.

"Look at me and I'll tell you." You huffed slightly, turning your head up the tiniest but so that your eyes were visible.

"Close enough." Gently, he pressed his lips to your forehead. "You're just so cute." This caused you to look up all the way.

"I'm really not, you always say that-" His lips on yours stopped any trace of your words. Before you knew it you parted.

"Now try to go to sleep, this migraine won't go away until you do."

A/N: What's this? An update? Two updates in one day? Shocking! I'm so sorry for the long break, I hope it's not an awful thing. I meant to finish post these two like four months ago. Sorry for that haha hope you enjoyed!

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