Galo x fem!reader - Soft Touches - request

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I'm sorry I took so long to write this even though I said I'd write it quickly 😂 When you asked for it to be at night I had already started writing it. I'm not sure if this fits that description so if you had something else in mind I can write another story lol Anyway, I hope you like it!

Request for giorno_cant_wryy

You should totally listen to the song while you read lol

You sighed, your body rudely pulling you from sleep. It was probably around 3am, the sky outside still dark. You groaned, eyes slowly opening in reaction to the pain that shot up your legs. You tried and failed to sit up, a short gasp escaping your lips. The pain from the previous fight with the Burnish was just as bad as it was a few days ago. A knock on your door startled you, pulling you away from your thoughts.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" You relaxed into your bed. Galo knocked again, sliding the door open slightly. His bright blue hair peeked through the crack in the door. "(Y/N)?"

"Galo!" Your hands shot out of the blankets. Galo laughed when you started making grabby hands toward him. You were desperate for a hug or two from Galo. You grinned when he obliged. You snuggled into the crook of his neck and felt him laugh slightly at your behavior.

"How are you feeling? Any better?" You shook your head with a frown.

"To be honest, I think it's getting worse."

"Lie back down, I'll go make something warm for you and we'll see about going back to sleep." You nodded, fiddling with the edges of your blanket as he left. You looked outside again into the darkness and shivered. You didn't remember it being cold before. You scanned the room for a jacket or another blanket, pausing as Galo's blue hair came into view again. This time he carried a mug of hot chocolate and piece of deliciously squishy cake. Both brightened your mood greatly, Galo bringing them made it even better. You yawned, stretching in the same way that cats do.

"Why don't we try to get some more sleep now?" You nodded, sinking down under your numerous blankets. Galo smiled, gently pulling the blankets up over your shoulders and with a soft kiss on your forehead you were asleep.

The next night the same problem, woke up in pain, couldn't fall back to sleep. The only difference was that this time it was only around 11pm. Well, that and that a nightmare woke you up this time. You stumbled out of bed toward Galo's room, limping with every step. Tears stung your eyes, partially from the pain and partially from the horrible images in your head. You knocked quickly on the door, waiting for him to answer.

"(Y/N)? What is it?" He asked, worry evident on his face.

"The dream- you were- I tried to help but-"

"Slow down, come in first." You nodded, limping forward to launch yourself onto his bed. "Start over, what happened?"

"I had a nightmare." Galo grinned wide.

"Say no more!" The loudness of his voice left your ears ringing. He ran back and forth getting snacks and setting everything up to watch a movie in bed. He had managed to put nearly 15 pillows and 3 blankets on his bed before you stopped him with a laugh.

By the time the movie ended it was nearing 2:30am, you fought to keep your eyes open.

"Galo, let's go to sleep." He turned to look at you, looking ready to pass out. You both flopped backwards onto the bed, eyes falling shut quickly. This time, you fell asleep feeling warm and fuzzy in his embrace.

When you woke up next it was still dark. You groaned when you opened your eyes to the sight. Galo shifted, arms wrapping around you to pull you closer. You turned to face him, seeing the small smile gracing his features.

"It's still early, why are you up?"

"Mmm I couldn't sleep again." He nodded, fingers tangling in your hair. His other hand traced gentle circles on your bare skin. You relaxed again, snuggling closer to him.

"Goodnight, Galo."

"Goodnight." And this time when you fell asleep, you stayed asleep in his arms for hours because you knew that in his arms, you were safe.

So here's a fun thing that happened, I almost wrote that your eyes were ringing instead of ears. Because that makes so much sense.
I hope you enjoyed the kind of short thing that I wrote, I wish I had more thoughts to write down for it but unfortunately I do not. If this doesn't satisfy you I can write another one after I can watch Promare again for some ideas. Thanks for reading!

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