Into the light

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-Naegi's POV-

There was a blinding light as we stepped outside Hopes Peak for the first time in months. But as sudden as it appeared It suddenly vanished being replaced by darkness. It was dusk, the once vivid night sky sprinkled with stars had turned jet black with not a star in sight. The streets had bodies scattered across them, though everything was silent there was still an eerie chill in the air. This is what Junko meant, the world really was in a state of despair...
     "So, what now?" Asahina asked, looking up at the sky.
     "Beats me, but I think we should all go our separate ways until we're certain it's safe out here," I replied. Everyone nodded and began to say goodbye to one another.
     "I have an idea! How bout we meet back here in a year to see what everyone's up to!" Hagakure chimed in.
     "That makes sense, sounds like a plan to me," I smiled at him.
     "Then i'll be on my way, thanks for everything man! You rock!" He replied as he disappeared into the darkness.
    "I'm going to find a donut shop as soon as I can! Even if I have to make them myself! See you soon Naegi!" Asahina shouted as she ran of as well.
     "Then I suppose i'll see myself out," Togami said plainly as he started to walk off.
     "I think your forgetting something," I said, gesturing to a sobbing Fukawa. He sighed and walked over to her and kneeled down to where she was sitting.
     "I would never forget about you," he whispered, taking her hand. This took Fukawa by surprise. She timidly smiled at him as they started to walk off, hand in hand. Before they were too far away I swore I saw Fukawa mouth "thank you" to me. I started to leave but not before I was grabbed by the hand and whirled around.
     "He's not the only one who forgot about something,"  Kirigiri laughed softly. I gasped in surprise, I can't believe I almost didn't say goodbye to her! She's my best friend after all.
"Naegi...," she started "I just wanted to thank you. You've always been there for me, no matter what. You didn't have to...but you did. Even when I framed you, you almost died! It would've been my fault. The truth is...I was so scared of losing you I panicked. I really care about you Naegi, I hope you know that." She looked up at me with tears streaming down her cheeks. I wiped the tears away and hugged her tightly. I had never seen her cry, much less show any emotion at all. I really had no idea she cared about me this much.
"Well I guess this is goodbye," she said as she pulled away from the hug and started to walk off. I started to tear up, I knew right then and there that I couldn't wait a year to see her again.
"Kirigiri wait!" I shouted. She turned around as I ran towards her. I picked her up a twirled her around. We were both smiling at each other as I put her down.
"Naegi, what's going on?" She questioned.
"We've been through so much with each other, I can't possibly last a year without seeing you. You and I are going together," I said, putting my hands firmly on her shoulders.
"Well then, where to next Mr. Ultimate Hope?"

576 words <3

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