Bonus~ Xmas one-shot ♥

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A/N: Just thought this would be fun to write, enjoy! <3 ~Ava
Ps~ This takes place after Celeste's execution and it is not connected to the story at all, it's just for fun!

Naegi's POV~
     As usual, I awoke to the sound of Monokuma talking to us over the loudspeaker-
     "Rise and shine twerps! I've decided to be nice since you all have been on a killing spree lately! Come down to the gym for an early Christmas present, unless you'd rather spend the holidays as a skeleton! Upupupu!"
     I groaned and got out of bed and made my way down to the gym where the others were waiting. Everyone had stone cold expressions on their faces, having seen Celeste burned alive only yesterday. I walked over to where my friend Kirigiri stood, she waved at me and we both stood in silence, waiting for our "principal" to appear. And sure enough, Monokuma popped out of a blood-colored present that was sitting on the stage.
"Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a despairingly good holiday season so far! I actually have some gifts for you! For once, they have nothing to do with murder...boring huh. Anyways, here you go! Do whatever you want with them. Not like anything important is in em' anyhow! See you later kiddos, upupupupu!!!
The moment he disappeared, seven backpacks appeared on the stage, out of nowhere. They all had our names on them. We each cautiously took one and sat at a table to open them. I unzipped my green bag to find a bunch of brand-new school supplies, a pad of paper, a picture, and a digital camera. I then realized that this was the backpack I first took into Hopes Peak! Well, minus anything that could access the internet. I fished the picture out of the bag, it was old. Dating years and years back. It was a polaroid of Kirigiri and I as kids sharing one big scarf. It had little hearts drawn in sharpie around the edges, and the words "good luck charm" were scrawled on the bottom. I blushed and smiled at the photo. I need to know more about Kirigiri and I's relationship before we came here, I thought, as I started flipping through the pictures on the digital camera that was in my bag. There were pictures of me, Komaru, my classmates, and Kirigiri...lots of Kirigiri. Almost the entire memory card had pictures of her...smiling, and laughing. She looked so happy. I glanced at my friend beside me, she seemed to be looking at something too. It was a letter, I sneakily looked over her shoulder and read-
Dear Makoto,
I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time but I never could find the right time or place, so I just wrote it down. You're my best friend and I hate keeping things from you we go. I love you...I love you, I love you, I love you. I've always loved you, but I was so afraid you would reject me. Besides, you should date someone like Maizono...she would be a much better girlfriend than me. I'll probably be too scared to even give you this letter, but if I ever do...just let me down easy okay?

I love you Makoto

Love, Kyoko

I stared at the note in shock, she loved me! She used to love me! I-I can't believe it! I felt a blush heating my cheeks as Kirigiri looked over at me, she knew I had read it. Almost immediately she grabbed her backpack and ran to her room. I grabbed mine and raced after her. She has to know how much I care about her! I knocked on her door several times before she answered, tears running down her pale cheeks. I didn't hesitate, I dropped my backpack and wrapped my arms around her. I felt so safe and happy. She made me smile. After we pulled away she gestured for me to come in. As soon as I entered her room she started talking.
"I had no idea that I was so in love with you, I wish I knew that sooner..."
"Me too, or else I would have asked you out sooner." I said quickly, then realized what just came out of my mouth.
"I-I mean! Uh-!"
"You have a crush on me?" She asked simply. I covered my face with my hands and slowly nodded. I felt her lift my chin up, meeting her lips with mine. I pulled her closer as we kissed. It felt so natural, so right. It was definitely meant to be this way. After we pulled away I grabbed the picture out of my backpack and showed it to her.
"Now I know why i'm so lucky!" I said excitedly.
"Nope, i'm the lucky one Makoto~" She replied, grabbing my hand. "I have you."

A/N: 810 words yay! <3

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