Another day

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A/N: Thanks so much for reading my story! I'm really proud of this one! <3

-Kirigiri's POV-
Today was the day. It had been a year since we escaped that horrible school. It almost seemed like we were stuck in a nightmare and couldn't get out, but we finally woke up. The outside world was looking very promising. Weather had come back completely and the sky was it's normal color. Even though the population has dwindled I'm quite sure things will return to normal soon.
"Kiri! You ready to go?!" I heard my boyfriend yell from the other room. I smiled at the use of my old nickname.
"I'm coming!" I called back as I ran to the door of the apartment. "I'm ready to get out of here."

-Naegi's POV-
To my surprise the air was actually breathable outside! Kirigiri and I exchanged grins. I could tell she was as excited as I was to get out of that stuffy apartment complex and see our friends again. In a matter of minutes we had reached the school. I looked over at Kiri, she seemed to be trembling. I took her hand in mine and gave her a reassuring smile. Only seconds after we had gotten there I noticed two other figures come into view. It was Hagakure and Asahina! Asahina ran over to meet us with a bag of donuts in her hand. Typical Aoi.
     "Hi guys! It's so good to see you again, I brought donuts for you!" She talked so fast I could barely understand her. She seemed a little tense about something.
     "Asahina, your acting a bit strange. What's the matter?" Kyoko questioned. Asahina started to tear up a little as she handed us the bag that held the donuts. It had the design of a cherry blossom...a sakura! I see what she did.
     "I want to live my life in honor of her. She deserved so much better and little things like this help me continue her legacy." Asahina said, wiping her eyes. "Thank you both for being here today. I missed you, truthfully." The next thing I knew we all were in a group hug. We smiled at one another as Hagakure walked over.
     "Hey don't leave me out of this!" He said with a huff. We all just laughed.
     "It seems we got here a little late."
      I turned around to see Togami and Fukawa standing there. Togami had his arm around her shoulder and she seemed way happier than usual.
     "Wow, a lot can happen in year," I remarked.
     "You're one to talk," Togami responded quickly, gesturing at Kirigiri and I. We both blushed simultaneously, he was right for once.
     "It's still crazy to think that a year ago today we escaped from that hell hole," Hagakure exclaimed.
     "You can say that again," Fukawa replied.
     "Lets be honest, if it weren't for Naegi we'd probably all be dead." Kirigiri continued.
     "I suppose you are correct..., this time," Togami chimed in.
     "And we did it together!" Asahina shouted.
     "We sure did," I said, kissing Kirigiri on the cheek.
     "What was that for?" She asked.
     "Because I love you of course," I replied with assurance.
     "Usually I would deny my feelings for you due to my iron mask but you'd just say 'That's wrong!!!'." I giggled at her use of my catchphrase.
     "Kyoko, I hope we stay together for as long as we live."
     "Me too Makoto."

577 words <3

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