Finding a home

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-Naegi's POV-

     We wandered through the empty streets together looking for a place to stay. Even though she already had a jacket on Kirigiri was shivering. I gently placed mine over her shoulders and took her hand as we continued to walk. She smiled and squeezed my hand. We walked for awhile before reaching an abandoned apartment complex. All the rooms were empty and destroyed. We still had one to look at though, I let go of her hand as we entered. We gasped almost in sync, the room was still in tact! The condition of it was near perfect. We even looked in the fridge and the pantry and found plenty of food!
"This puts Monokuma's stash to shame," I remarked, picking up an apple. Kirigiri giggled and continued searching for any signs of inhabitants. I couldn't help but be a little confused. She never seemed to show any emotion before. I had only seen her smile a few times, but today it's like she's at Disneyland!
     "It seems nobody lives here anymore, goodness knows what happened to them but at least we have a place to live," Kirigiri finally said.
"It already feels like home," I said in reply as I flopped down on the bed. She sat next to me, she looked uneasy.
     "Is something wrong?" I asked.
     "No, it's just...I don't know if we can live like this. Sure there's lots of food but I have no idea if it's going to last us for a while. The owners could suddenly come back at any time. And we can barely breath the air outside!" She finished with a sigh.
     "Hey, it's going to be okay. As long as we're together i'm not letting anything happen to you!" I said cupping her cheeks. She jumped back in surprise, as did I. Why did I do that? It almost seemed like an instinct. "Sorry about that, I don't know what came over me." I said, sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck.
     "It's alright, I just got startled. Why don't we get some sleep, it is nighttime after all." She replied, as she stated to lay down. It was then that I realized there was only one bed in the apartment. She didn't seem to mind, and neither did I. I crawled into bed next to her keeping a safe distance. I guess the craziness from the day got the best of me because before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

415 words <3

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