A new life

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-Naegi's POV-

It had been two weeks since we escaped the school and things were going well. Since we couldn't exactly go outside for long periods of time we stayed in and hung out with each other. Kirigiri mostly read the few books that were scattered around the room and I mostly played on an old gaming system that was left there. Sometimes Kiri would even play with me. In return we would read together. Our lives were slowly starting to get better. Everything was as ordinary as I was...so one night I decided to spice things up a bit.
     "Kirigiri, could you maybe go in another room for a little bit," I asked her, anxiously.
     "Is something the matter?" She replied calmly.
     "Not at all! I just have a surprise for you that I need to prepare," I finished.
     "Alright then, i'll leave you to it." She said as she left the room and closed the door. I smiled, this was going to be really special. I got out all the ingredients and pots and pans as I stated to make dinner. I used to cook for my little sister all the time but I had never told Kirigiri that I even knew how. I ended up making one of my favorites, roasted chicken with baked potatoes and green beans. I even made a chocolate cake for dessert! I really hope she'll like it! I dug through a couple of drawers to find just what I needed to set the table. And in the blink of an eye everything was perfect.
     "You can come in now!"

-Kirigiri's POV-

     I was curious what Naegi was planning, it seemed a bit weird that he would ask me to leave the room. Well i've never really been surprised with anything before so how am I to know what to expect. I walked to the door leading in to the kitchen and opened it slowly. I couldn't believe my eyes! There was an elegant red cloth draped over the glass table, candles and decorative items adoring the empty spaces. Atop all of that there was a roast chicken with baked potatoes and green beans. It all smelled so amazing! I couldn't help it, I smiled and ran towards a grinning Naegi, clearly very proud of himself. I hugged him so tightly I swore I heard him gasp.
     "It's perfect," I said.
     "Your perfect"
     We ate the meal in silence occasionally sneaking looks at each other and blushing as we quickly looked away. I didn't know how to describe what I felt towards him. Maybe compassion, friendliness? No that can't be it...was it love?..

-Naegi's POV-

I was so glad Kirigiri was enjoying the dinner I made! I almost didn't notice when she would glance at me and blush. She seemed worried about something. After I cleaned everything up I went to find her. She was sitting on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.
     "You doing okay?" I asked, as I sat beside her.
     "Yeah, just thinking..." She answered. She definitely seemed distant. We continued to sit in silence until I felt a sudden weight on my shoulder. I turned to see Kirigiri laying her head there, still awake. I blushed and awkwardly put my arm around her. I heard her give a content sigh.
     "Makoto..." She started. I glanced over at her in shock, she had never used my first name before.
     "Kyoko..." I continued. She turned towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I cupped her cheeks and started to lean closer, she did the same. It felt like fireworks were going off as our lips finally touched. I pulled her closer and she smiled into the kiss. As we finally pulled away she giggled.
     I could get used to this.

634 words <3

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