Rainy day

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-Naegi's POV-
     It had been two weeks since I asked Kyoko to be my girlfriend and our lives couldn't get any better! It felt like she was the missing piece to my heart, she completed me. I could tell she felt the same way by how she had been acting. Surprisingly enough she's been a bit clingy lately, like she's afraid of losing me. I always reassure her that i'm not going anywhere but she definitely doesn't buy it. On a negative note we're running out of food like Kiri had suspected. I have no idea how we're supposed to go outside and get more because the world is a living nightmare! You can barely breathe out there! For now we're trying to ration what we have left for as long as possible.
     "Makoto! Come to the window quick!" I heard Kirigiri yell from our bedroom. I ran as fast as I could and found her looking out the window. To my shock and surprise it was raining! There hadn't been real weather in at least a couple of years! I walked over and sat next to my girlfriend who was staring blankly at the glass.
     "You okay?" I questioned.
     "No, not really," she admitted, repositioning herself to face me.
     "What's the matter?"
     "Well i've been a little tense lately about our situation. First there's the issue of food, goodness knows how long we can survive in here with the limited supply we have available. Second, technology isn't working so how are we supposed to contact anyone in case we need help! What even was the point of escaping if we can't have a normal life?! I can't do this anymore! We're going to die here!" She said cried out sobbing. I hugged her tight and felt her cry into my chest. I realized right then and there why she always concealed her emotions...she didn't want anyone to know how afraid she really was. This whole time she was scared of what would become of us, even back at Hopes Peak. But she hid it from me, from everybody.
     "Kiri were not going to die, I promise we'll always be together. Your safe with me. I love you and I always will," I said, holding her hands in mine.
     "What was that last part?" She inquired. I felt my face slowly turning pink, I guess It doesn't hurt for her to know.
     "I love you Kyoko, with all my heart," I repeated. Her expression was nothing like I had ever seen. She looked so shocked, but happy.
     "I-I love you too Makoto, so much," She started to cry again. I put my hand on her cheek and smiled at her. She smiled back and the next thing I know we had kissed again. As we parted Kiri giggled.
     "What would I ever do without you Naegi?"

478 words <3

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