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NICO WEST sits in the taxi, the bright yellow retro-looking cab that has faded red words that read out, The Great Oz Transoprtion Company. Nico's left leg is furiously jangling nervously. It was a terrible nervous habit she had since she was little. The gothic witch watched as the gorgeous forest scenery faded away, and were replaced by sight of pastel hues, sparkles of gold and gold. She was in a new land that she was so unfamiliar with. It made her feel more on edge. Nico watched, almost helplessly, as her cab pulled up to what looked like some big imposing castle. The gothic witch is somehow far too nervous, and yet also simultaneously, too excited to be even be remotely tired, despite the rather long, and almost seemingly endless ride from Oz to Auradon.

Nico smiles softly as she spots the Beast statue that is said to transform just like the actual beast. The young witch knows this because she looked it up. Nico had looked up everything on Auradon since the King  invited her to attended the school. Now, she was actually had a fair reason to leave Oz, and make the massive trip to Auradon like she has always dreamt of; Oz, and other places like Wonderland hadn't joined in the whole thing of becoming one nation, and had decided to stay there own separate entities. Which is why her over protective adoptive father, the great, and powerful Oz, advised against her ever deciding to go there; he had warned his adoptive daughter that the people of Auradon wouldn't understand her because of her unfortunate parentage. Even with some like Oz, and Glinda The Good Witch of The South taking her in as their own child. People would only see her as the biological daughter of the Wicked Witch of The West. And, not as who she really is.

Nico had made the decision to read,  "A History of Aurdon" cover-to-cover on the long car ride. It helped her block out all the anxiety that was running completely out of control within her. She was utterly scared of what people might think about her. What they might just assume about her. To say Nico was panicked would be putting it far too lightly. A few thoughts of just turning the cab around passed through her head, and she really did consider taking the cowards way out of it. But, Nico quickly decided against it. She wasn't some lowlife coward. And, the gothic witch certainly wasn't going to hurt the  relationship between Auradon and Oz by any means.

       So, Nico just sat quietly in the back of the cab reading. With all knowledge from the book, the gothic witch knows what feels like seemingly everything. She knows that the King of Aurdon, King Ben, has at least four known soulmates; though there have been a fair share of rumors saying the King's group of soulmates may be bigger. All of his know soulmates are children of some biggest, more well known villains. His soulmates call themselves the VK, which stands for villain kids. She also knows that his soulmates are working on giving more villain kids the same chance they got, which really warms the deepest parts of Nico's black heart. As a kid of a truly wicked witch, she understands that not every kid wants to be remotely like their monstrous parents. That just because you descended from evil, doesn't mean that your automatically evil like your parents. Evilness is something that is made, and chosen, it's not something that is so purely genetic. Evil can come from anywhere, as can good.

Nico's leg keeps bouncing, and she can't really help it. If her cab driver has noticed by now, he certainly doesn't say anything about it. Nico tries to occupy her mind by looking out the window as the trees, and soon to be fellow students roll by her window view. She spots the King, and one of his soulmates. The King looks very presentable in a nice dark blue suit that really compliments his pale features as well as his golden crown that sat atop of longish brunette hair. The girl next to him is wearing a wearing a very cute, yet very formal dark blue dress for the occasion, and looks utterly respectable in every way possible. Which makes Nico worry that maybe she should have put more effort into her wardrobe than usual. She's just wearing a plain black tank top with her signature black leather jacket, black jeans, and a cute pair of leather combat boots. She doubts that anything she's wearing is considered respectable, let alone considered a normal outfit; it certainly isn't back in Oz. Her adoptive mother, Glinda, always scolds her about her outfits. She says Nico dresses like she some sort of dark witch heading to a funeral that caused. But, he adoptive dad on the other hand, completely digs the whole dark side of her. Nico subconsciously starts furiously tapping on her leg as the cab slowly stills completely. She starting to regret everything now. Oh well, too late for her to do anything now. She helpless.

   " Well, I guess this is my stop." Nico states rather nervously as she glances up at the cab driver, who just looks up at his mirror to get a good view of her, just nods his head in a silent agreement. She hesitates as she reaches for the car door handle. With a small reluctant sight, she stepped out of the old taxi. That's when she first feels it. Feels the sharp spark ignite just beneath her very skin. Her eyes widen completely as she stares at the the King and his blue haired soulmate. No... it was impossible. They couldn't be one of them. Well.. two of them. They couldn't be her soulmates. It just felt too impossible for Nico to believe such a thing like that. The whole time Nico was frozen in place, and her mind is utterly wheeling as it desperately tries to taken in the information that is right in front of her, her two soulmates crept towards her. They were wearing looks of love, and amusement as they stared at their newly found soulmate. Their soulmate was looking absolutely mortified, and frozen to the bone; Nico looked a hell of a lot like a deer in headlights.

      " Hey soulmate," King Ben greeted causally as he steps closer to her. Nico blinked in surprise as she stares at them both. A brush creeps up onto her pale checks. Their absolutely stunning in their own separate unique ways.

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