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Evie had long settled in at the school, and into the life of Auradon. She still had a vast multitude of complex anxieties about the royal school, and Auradon itself as a whole. But, all of her anxious nerves found something that could help with all the various things that might have once troubled her. Evie especially found that the school was much more tailorable with all of soulmates close at her sides, and all of the new friends that she had managed to make. But, it all was mainly thanks to all of her beautiful soulmates. Evie had started to get quite the unique reputation; it was the reputation of kindness, unweaving loyalty, courage, rebellion, and a very healthy douse of both good and evil. Though everyone could agree that it was always mostly good. The blue haired princess without any hesitation or doubt has one of the biggest of hearts of gold. Which isn't some sort of surprise to any of her friends or even her soulmates. If anything it's something that made them proud to say that she was their soulmate.

      They were just simply amazed at how easy Evie could just be the truest version of herself, and therefore did as she so desired. And, what Evie currently desired was to see all her soulmates happy. Which, for the most part, was already done; Ben is a great king, Mal is the current stand in queen and is just really amazing at begging a queen, Carlos is starting veterinarian school in the fall, Uma is helping all the kids that were Isle get on track to achieving the best version of their lives that they always wanted, both Harry and Gil are still unsurprisingly living their life as pirates but have reigned in their mischief making and turned their focus slightly more into just fun having adventures, and they had certainly roped Jay into taking a year off to join them in their messy adventures.

    The only soulmates Evie was deeply concerned about was Nico.


      The gothic witch was just so new to all of this. New to the mere idea of having true soulmates that were there for her. Soulmates that she could be the most honest version of herself around. In strange way, Evie saw a lot of herself in her newest soulmate. They both came to the school with both this pure innocent excitement, but also had this sort of crimping fear. They were scared of what others might think of them, especially what their mother might think. Scared that they be left all alone. Luckily, that was neither of their fates. Ben had been; but not just him, all their soulmates. Nico been both open and closed off.  Nico had expressed her very interests in the school, and what she would like to do with her future; one she attended to share with them. But, she refused to go into detail about her life in Oz, or about the nightmares that had her up at all hours of the night. About the details that had her having constant night terrors. It was more then troubling to Evie.

    The blue haired princess was the type of person who utterly loved fixing and help things for the better, especially when said things included helping out one of her beloved soulmates. It's been more then a merely long, very painful process of getting her to open up in the slightest of ways. But, it wasn't like Evie was ever planning on going anywhere.

Evie grinned as was pulled into the present. A load cheer erupted close to her as she and Nico helped cheer on Mal. The blue haired princess cheeks were going blissfully numb with how much she been smiling and laughing. Evie and her two female soulmates were watching as Harry and Mal were sparring together. The dynamic duo tend to do this a lot as a way to relieve any kind of stress, or if they were both just bored out of their minds, and or if they just wanted to purely practice fighting. Sometimes if they were in a particular mood then things would get evolve from simply sparring....

   They were always interesting when fighting. Especially, whenever they choose  to team up and try to dueled Jay and Uma, who they have yet to beat. There was a basic rules set. Rules that prohibited the uses of any kind of magic, and that they had to hold back some of their punches. It was all the similar motions of boxing, but without landing any sort of possibly heavy blows. It was simple yet rather fun. Evie leaned on Nico shoulder. Evie's gothic soulmate seemed happier then she was much earlier. Which made Evie truly happy...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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