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         NICO WEST is violently startled awake. She sits up in the big bed, gasping for any and all the air she could get, clutching her stomach with a tight enough hold that it will probably leave bruises on her delicate pale skin. Nico can't even begin to mange to even breathe. It's too hard, and hurts far more then it even should. Nico's long dark raven black hair is damp with all her glistening sweat, her pale cheeks are wet with fresh salty tears as she struggles to take a single deep breath, and is shivering against the crisp cold night air that filled the large castle. Nico is brought surging back down in to her own reality; a rather beautiful reality in which she is in a really, really, really big bed with all her soulmates sprawled up against her, and around her.

Nico doesn't quite remember nightmares this bad, or at least, not anything quite like this one was. And, she knows exactly why that is. It's because it's not a nightmare, but a mere memory that she has tried so damn hard to forget. Old memories of her biological mother that she has pushed down for so long; all of her horrible memories were seeping out at all of Nico's edges, and she was terrified of letting them out. Letting anyone know or see. She was scared.... Terrified even.


        All of Nico's nightly visions were always hellish on some caliber. Always something quite truly wicked. And always were deceiving, and purely evil filled; It was so clearly overwhelming for her. At first the memories hadn't been so bad. They were pleasantly vague with bright pastel lights, and soft faded hues of a peaceful world just out of her reach, beckoning with this sort of hidden warmth from some safer place beyond the reality that she lives in. It was all the very few good memories of her mother. They were one's that were of her mother teaching her magic for the very first time or of her mother giving her magic staff for her sixteenth birthday. But, then, all too quickly the promise of warmth fades, and the swells of pure darkness became rather unstable. The darkness becomes uncontrollable, and chaotic. The memories becoming devoid of any sort of light. They transform into this sort of horrifying nightmare.

      Nico's memories have been far to different them her usual typical happy ones. These one are horrifying, and bad... these pure nightmares, they shift and change, various views of old haunted memories, and future fears of herself that all come from various early childhood traumas. All she can do is cry silently in bed full of soulmates. And she just sits their in total darkness, and cries quietly like she did when she lived with her wicked biological mother. She grips at the pale silky bed sheets as her own tragic wails ring out in the very back of her mind; she can hear somewhere in the all the distance of her mind, the memory of her former self is rather inconsolable. Nico's old self is in a lot of pain, and is utterly suffering. It's truly sickening, and scary. It's dreadful.

     Nico's panic is only naturally pendulum. Everything is spinning so out of control that she finally fully wakes up, and is now filled to the brim with crippling anxiety. Not to mention adrenaline. Nico feels way too hot, and way too cold all at once. Almost all too simultaneously for her body to remotely handle. Her body is loosely pressed up between two different bodies. One of them is Jay, and the other is Mal. Nico can feel her other soulmates not too far off from them. She can barely make out the shadowy figures of the boys; on Mal's right side, Gil and Harry have Carlos sandwich between them, and on Jay's side is Uma and Evie with Ben as their middle. They all a rather scattered mess of limbs, blankets and various pillow types. Mal, the latter having stolen most of Nico's blanket in the middle of the night, sirs in her deep slumber causing the gothic witch to go stiff, and become as silent as possible; Mal just tugs the blanket over her gorgeously sleepy face, and shifts yet again. Now that Mal has successfully managed to really steal all of her and Jay's blanket, the gothic witch just sits there and shivers both helplessly and miserably. She is just so tired that she can barely see straight. She has been up until almost sunrise.

      " What are you doing up?" Jay questions in a whisper, his eyes are still closed, and his voice is deep and husky from just waking up moments ago.

       " I can't sleep," Nico replies, and tries her very best to sound as calm and causal as she can. She can feel Mal shifting yet again.  " I must still be on Oz time..." Nico is quick to try to add with a pitiful fake laugh, but it was pointless. Jay slowly, and hesitantly, sits up in the bed in order to look over at his soulmate; he is not greeted by Nico's tired smile, but instead the face that is stained with tragic tears. He instantly feels more then just wide awake.

   " Nico," Jay calls softly in order to not startle or frighten the gothic witch. She looks at him with this sort of hurt puppy dog look; a look that he is all too familiar with. A look that Carlos would often wear after any particular bad night with his mother, and or some random kid on the Isle. A look that Evie would wear in safety of Mal's or his own arms. A quite sad look that they have only seen on both Mal and Uma in very, very fleeting moments. It hurts Jay's chest to see his newly found soulmate look so sad and miserable. " Are you alright?" He questions sincerely.

Nico just wants to cry, scream, and snap at Jay, but she doesn't. Instead, she just shakes her head silently. Nico is just so tired that every nerve in her body feels like a fork being slowly, and painfully scraped along a empty dinner plate. Nico's nerves were just completely shot. Jay slowly opens his arms for her to lean into. She rests her head against his warm chest. He then holds her in a soothing embrace.

" Wanna talk about it?"

" Not really... it's complicated...."

" Alight." And he didn't push any further then that because he didn't need to. He know just enough; Jay knew from past experiences with all his soulmates that when they were sad, they all almost need same thing. They just need some simple safety, love and tons of reassurance. So, that's what he did. He soothed her, and held Nico in his warm arms till she feel asleep again. Jay stayed awake the rest of the night and early in to the morning hours just to make sure she slept peacefully.

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