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✰ ⠀┊   𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄 ~ UMA⠀┊ ✰

   UMA hadn't always loved any of her soulmates, which looking back, she utterly regrets with everything within her; she wasn't the only scared child doing whatever they could to make it in a place like the Isle. Wasn't the only child doing what they thought would make their parents, who weren't capable of love, love them for once in their god damn life. She knows now that her life wouldn't have been so lonely if she had let Mal in rather then fight her off like some sort of dark plague. Uma knows she could have been able to do so much more if she had stuck around Evie. She knows Carlos would have been better off if she had been there for extra protection. Uma knows that Jay would have been happier if she had been there with both Harry and Gil instead of ripping them away from his loving arms; she knows that their childhood could have so much better if she hadn't been so scared, and driven by stupid childish fears. She knows now all of that youthful potential for her soulmates were violently stolen by her. Uma took something that could have been beautiful from the beginning and turned it utterly rotten to the core.

    The better life that she and her soulmates currently live was only made remotely possible by Ben, and her soulmates begin more then what they were taught as small children. They were far more then their parents children. Something that she felt like she wasn't for the longest time. Uma for the longest of times was exactly what people would typically think of villains kid; she was exactly like her mother. And, deep down Uma hated every second of it. But, she was so scared. Scared of losing what little she had. She was scared of losing Gil or Harry, or even worse both. Uma felt like she was   terrified constantly. That if she showed any sort of momentarily weakness then she would be swallowed whole by the evil that was on the Isle. Which she wasn't about to let that happen to herself. No, she was going to be something different. So, Uma fought with everything in herself. She fought to be different then her mother. She fought to be worthy of her soulmates love. Fought for a better life for all the children and families of the Isle. She fought for her right to have a happy ever after, as stupid as it sounded. It wasn't easy work. But, it was worth it in the long run.  

     " Uma, C'mon!" Harry said happily.  She gave a large loving grin, and laughed softly as she was tugged up the stairs by a rather giddy, and excited Harry. Uma's first pirate mate had told her in a rather hurriedly, in all of his shaky excitement, that their two mates, their very own royal princess and king, had a special surprise for them. Well, for both them and their other soulmates. Uma believes that Harry could have mentioned something about sharing the Said surprise, a trait she and the others were still very much learning, but she can't really remember if he did or didn't. Uma's hazel eyes softened as she watches Harry laugh. Actually genuinely laughs, and isn't one of laughs that he forces in order to make her feel better; it's a sight that's about as rare as they can get. It truly is nice to see him relaxed and worried filled like they both were back when Isle was blocked off from everything. It makes her heart feel all warm, bubbly, and just utterly love sick to think about how far all her soulmates have come. Uma tries to give him an annoyed look as he tugs at her hand. She tries to hide the fact that is she loving every single millisecond of seeing her soulmate getting all worked up. Uma really tries, for mainly appearances sake, to pretend to hate it. But, Uma's bright glimmering grin, and rosy cheeks gives away all of her fondness, and love for the pirate. 

       " Harry, calm down!"  Uma manages to huff out as they finally reached the very top their castles staircase. Sure, she loved all of his untapped excitement, but that didn't stop Uma from feeling the slightest bit annoyed due to begging suddenly rushed up a flight of stairs. Uma's soulmate pauses for a small moment. Harry's body stills as he stares at her with this sort of sickening look of love, and affection; it makes her want to hurl, but also make her want to smother him in love at the same time. It's so truly conflicting. Uma raises an eyebrow in question at her soulmate. Harry has to knows. He knows what the surprise is, and there's no doubt about it in Uma's mind. Uma knows that there's no way in hell that he doesn't knows what the surprise is, even if it it's just in the least the slightest of ways. She studies his delicate pale features with a sort of skepticism. In all of Uma's experiences there are very few things that get Harry all giddy, and worked up. And, most them in some way involve their ship.

" Love..." He states fondly with both of his hands already raised in a sort of mock defense. He knows where his soulmate's mind is going; she going to try and force him to spill his guts and ruin their supposed surprise. Which he does not attend to do, which makes Uma roll her eyes in annoyance. " I was sworn to secrecy by our favorite little blue haired princess."

" But, I'm your captain." She retorts back to him in utter annoyance.

" And the princess would kill me if I ruined her and Benny's surprise." He quips with a wide smirk. He knows just how much it bothering her not knowing what is. Harry finds amusement in his soulmate annoyance. Uma just rolls her eyes again, and crosses her arms over her chest like a small child who didn't get there way.  

    " It better be a damn good surprise." Uma huffs under her breath. Which earned a small chuckle from her soulmate as he resumed tugging her towards the bedroom they shared with all their soulmates. Once they reached a pair of old doors that lead into the room, Harry then pushed the old red doors open to reveal their large bedroom.

The female pirate frowned in slight confusion. Everything, and everyone appeared to look the exact same. Looked exactly how she had left it this morning. She shared a brief and rather fleeting glanced at her blue hair princess with a raised eyebrow. A slight judging look began to rise to Uma's surface as she stared out into their bedroom with mild curiosity. That's when she suddenly felt it. Felt the all too familiar sensation of a spark igniting just beneath her skin. Uma's eyebrows furrowed together in even more confusion. She could feel that their last soulmate was close. Where they here? Where they in their castle? She couldn't quite tell, and that bugged her.

     Uma glanced over at Harry, who was just merely grinning ear to ear as he made his way towards the couch. She watched as Harry ended up taking the spot that in between Carlos, and Ben. The pirate threw his arms around both of the boys, and pulled them both close to his chest. Uma frowned. Something wasn't quite adding up; they knew something and weren't telling her. But, even before Uma could get the mere chance to question them all, their bathroom opened up.

       " Thanks for letting me steal one your shirts for the night." Said a mysterious goth girl with a friendly smile that was directed at Mal, who just nods her head in a silent understanding. The goth girl had just wash away all of her makeup which made her skin shine with a sort of wetness, and her long black hair had been pulled back in a tight, yet very messy ponytail. The girl in question was now wearing a purple shirt that had a big green dragon that made it quite clear that it belongs to Uma's other soulmate. The girl was also wearing what appeared to be a pair of blue fluffy pajamas shorts. They were clearly Evie's. " I still can't believe my stupid foundation managed to open itself, and spilled everywhere, and ruin all of my freaking clothes." The girl states frustratedly.

" That blows." Uma states with small smirk as she drinks up the sight of her newly found soulmate standing in their room, and dressed in her other soulmates clothes. Uma could pounce her at any given second, if she had her choice. Uma's newly found soulmate just blushed.

" Uma, I would like you to meet are other soulmate, Nico West." Evie introduced with a softest of smiles as her eyes light up with purest of  joy. Nico smiles shyly at the female pirate, and just awkwardly weaved at her. " Hi!" She greeted awkwardly.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 | ✰ | 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now