Nothing Can Separate

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==Sadie's POV==

It's been two days away from the girls. I haven't talked or eaten that much at all. The girls are scheduled to go to Brazil this week. Lauren and I talked all about waking up early and watching the sunrises together. I guess that won't happen.

"Are you ready to see your new foster home?!" The lady asks excitedly.

I give her a blank stare and hold Toby close to me. I inhale the smell of Ally's perfume and close my eyes. I want her so bad. I wonder how they are doing.

"Well I'll take that as a yes," the lady says. She looks like a Barbie doll. Fake. Fake hair, fake smile, fake body. I look out the window and look at the clouds. Camila and I used to lay outside and cuddle, looking at the clouds and finding shapes within them.

"We're here!" The lady sings. I roll my eyes as she hops out of the car. I grab my backpack and walk to the front door. She does a happy knock and I sigh, looking at the ground.

"If you do not cheer up I will-" "What do what?" I snap. "Take me away from my family? Oh wait you already did," I say venomously.

She opens her mouth in shock and the door opens.

"Hello! This is Sadie, your new foster child. She doesn't talk much anymore," the lady says. She explains a few more things about me and says "toodles" and leaves me with a new woman.

She bends down to my level and says, "Hi, I'm Emily. I'm going to be your foster mom. There isn't a dad in this house, but I have a daughter named Tiffany. I know you don't talk much, but it would be really nice to hear your voice."

"I want to go home," I say, tears brimming.

She looks at me confused. "To where I was before they took me away. We were happy, and they ruined everything. This isn't better for me. I just want to hug my mommy and watch the sunrises and shop and find clouds and-and," I sob.

He hugs me and for once and I feel somewhat okay.

"Shhh, it's okay," she says soothingly.

"No, no it's not," I say.

"How about we go inside and get you something to eat. They said you might be hungry," Emily says with a smile. We walk inside and I sit at the kitchen table.

"Tiff, come down! It's time for lunch! You're new sister is here," Emily calls. A girl that looks about seventeen hops down the stairs. She looks at me and smiles.

"Hi! I'm Tiffany," she says.

I give her a small smile.

"Don't talk much do you?" She says, do her hands on her hips. I shake my head.

"Food's ready!" Emily calls. She brings me a bowl of soup and I look it. I push it away from me and get up and walk to the door.

"Where are you going?" Emily asks.

"Walk," I say.

"I'll go with you. I'm not hungry anyway," Tif says, hopping up. I just want to be alone. I walk out the door. I just keep walking until I see a lake with a dock. I go out to the dock and take off my shoes, dipping my feet in the water.

"Geez, you walk fast!" Tiffany says, catching up. She sits down beside me. "I love this lake. It's really pretty, isn't it? I used to fish here all the time when my daddy was around. We caught the biggest fish you'd ever see. It was massive! I remember I almost fell in the water because-" "I just want to be alone!" I yell.

"Oh um, I thought you wanted company," Tiffany says, looking at the reflection on the water. She looks really sad. I look at her and see the pain that was behind my eyes.

"I'm sorry," I say. "I'm angry and I didn't mean to yell at you."

"It's okay. I was angry like that too," Tif says, looking at me.

"You were?" I ask.

"My dad wasn't really the nicest person to my mom and me. He would hurt us sometimes. But he could be the most loving person in the world. On those days, I thought he was the greatest. One day he he was drunk and just up and left. He got in a fight and was killed. That impacted me so hard. I was angry and sad all the time. My mom became really depressed and I was taken away from my home. I was brought here with Emily, who became my mom. Now I'm really happy. What's your story?" Tiffany finishes.

"Well for me, both my parents were bad. My dad and mom did some things, and well got arrested. I was put into an adoption center, and always felt a little broken. I had some issues, but I overcame them. The one that's coming back for me right now is my depression. I basically got an amazing opportunity to perform on a tour with Demi Lovato and I met my idols. I grew really close with a group of girls, Fifth Harmony, and they became my family. Ally is my mommy. They fixed me and made me belong and made me feel loved. The agency ripped me away from them two days ago. I miss them so much and just want them back," I sniffle.

Tiffany looks at me and hugs me. "I'll help convince Emily to get you back to them. Don't worry."

"You will?" I ask.

"I will," she says, holding out her pinky. I take it and she smiles. We spend the rest of the afternoon together talking about our families.

"Hey kiddo we should go back," Tif says, helping me up. We walk back to the house and she leads me upstairs.

"Oh hey! I made up your bed, Sadie," Emily says when I enter the room I'm sleeping in.

"Thanks," I say. Emily smiles at me and leaves. I put on one of Dinah's sweatshirts and Lauren's beanie. The girls all gave me something to remind me of them. I cuddle up in Mani's blanket and close my eyes, holding onto the hope Tif will come through and convince Emily that my real home is with the girls.

(A/N How are you guys doing? I hate the wattpad glitch. Its's so annoying :/ I'm sorry some of you can't read my tears chapter, but if you need it, just private message me and I'll send it to you through there. How do feel about this chapter? Please comment and vote! Till next update my ladybugs!)

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