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==Camila's POV==

Ever since Sadie was taken from our lives, things have been terrible. When we lost our little sunshine, our bigger sunshine ceased to shine. Ally won't come out anymore. She always cries and nobody can talk to her. Lauren hides away and calls the agency every second of every day trying to get her back. Dinah is more grumpy than usual and won't even prank us. Mani curls up in her bunk and sleeps all day. She can't even watch That's So Raven without crying. I can't even go out and get food from the fridge without crying because Sadie's drawings and notes are on the fridge. Life sucks.

"Hey Chee Chee, you want to go out and look at the clouds with me?" I ask Dinah, who's laying on the couch like a potato.

"Yeah, Chancho, I'd like that," Dinah says, getting up and takes my hand. We walk outside and lay down on a patch of grass. I look over at Dinah and she's crying.

"I miss her so much, Camila," Dinah sobs.

"I miss her too," I say, cuddling into Dinah's side.

"Do you think we'll get to see her again?" Dinah asks.

"You know, I think that the agency will realize how freaking dumb they are in taking Sadie away from us, that they will just have to give her back to us," I say, huffing.

"I hope your right, Mila," Dinah says, kissing my cheek.

"That one looks like pizza," I say, pointing to a cloud.

Dinah snorts and says, "Everything looks like pizza to you."

"Hey guys, whatcha doing?" I hear Lauren say, walking over. I look up and she has a phone in her hand. "I'm on hold," she sighs.

"What are you asking them for this time?" I ask.

"Just to hear her voice," Lauren says sadly.

I stand up and hug her. Lauren completely breaks down and starts sobbing. "I miss my monkey."

"I miss her too," I say, kissing her forehead. "Don't worry, I know we will see her again."

==Sadie's POV==

"And that's why Sadie needs to go back to her family," Tiffany finishes.

Emily sits down and rubs her head. "You love them a lot don't you?" She says to me.

"With all my heart," I say.

"Okay. I'll call the agency and tell them the only real fit for you is with your real family," Emily says. I jump up and hug her.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I say.

"You're welcome," Emily laughs, getting up and going to the phone. I look at Tiffany and hug her.

"Thank you," I say.

"You're welcome. You deserve all the happiness in the world and that's with your family," she says.

I smile and hug her tight. "You should probably pack your stuff," she says, tapping my nose. I smile and race up the stairs. I go into my room and shove everything into my backpack. I hear someone come up the stairs.

"Well, looks like you're going home," Emily says, leaning against the doorframe. I jump up and down and scream. Tears of joy flood down my cheeks and I hug her one more time.

"One more thing. Someone wants to talk to you. The agency will only give you three minutes, since it's long distance," Emily says, handing me the phone.

"H-hello?" I ask.

"Sadie, oh my god!" I hear Lauren's voice.

"Lolo!" I say, crying. "I'm coming home!"

"Repeat what you said please?" Lauren asks.

"I'M COMING HOME!" I yell through the phone. I hear screams on the other side of the phone and I laugh.

"Is mommy there?" I ask, biting my fingernail.

"No, she's sleeping right now. How about we surprise her?" Lauren suggests.

I smile and say, "Yes, I can't wait."

"Ten seconds remaining," The operator cuts in.

"Oh geez, um I love you so so much. Tell the girls that. And um, I am so excited to see you because I miss you so much and I love you," I say quickly.

"I love you too, monkey," Lolo says.

"We love you!!!" I hear Normani, Dinah, and Camila screech in the background. I laugh and the operator cuts us off. I smile and walk back downstairs to give Emily the phone back.

"You good?" She asks.

"I'm more than good," I say, smiling.

"Well it's getting late. The agency will be here early to pick you up tomorrow morning, so you need your sleep," Emily says, pushing me up the stairs. I grin and run up to my room. I put on my pajamas and cuddle into Man's blanket. I snuggle into Toby and smell his fur. Here I come, mommy.

(A/N Hehe well, they shall be reunited!!!! How do you feel??? Comment and please vote! Ily!! If you have any requests/moments you want (scares/one on ones/cute moments) just tell me :) till next update!)

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