Chapter 3

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When we pull up to the field, the sun is already almost fully set. I can just barely make out the faces of the people already standing around where the fire will be burning in just a few minutes. The guys have the pit almost ready, just finishing up with a few more sticks. People are starting to arrive behind us. They're getting out of their cars walking toward the field. He shuts off the car and turns to me, "Ready?" he asks. I shake my head and he opens his door, coming around to open mine for me. He puts his hand out for me, so I take it and stand up to get out. He leans in close, startling me, but keeps going, moving past me to grab his jacket and a blanket out of the back seat.

"You might need this later", he says, lifting his jacket up and motioning toward me, raising his eyebrow, as if to say, "Your shirt isn't going to guard you too well against the night air." He drapes his jacket over one shoulder, grabbing my hand to lead me to the field. "And we need the blanket to sit on", he smirks at me. As we get closer, I can make out faces better and take note of who all is already here. Jessica's sitting with a group of her and Darry's friends. Matt, Brittany, Kevin and Joel are all gathered around talking, waiting for the match to be thrown. As the match is lifted in the air, per tradition, everyone begins a countdown.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4,3, 2, Bonfire!!", everyone screams, happily.

We have all had a long year and are thrilled that it's over. This night marks the beginning of an end for a lot of us. We are now, in this very moment, seniors. People are still piling in as Darry pulls up a bale of hay for us to sit on and throws the blanket over it.

I sit down next to him and listen as he and his friends talk about football and the last game of the year. We won, of course, and the guys are thrilled to end the year on a good note; full of confidence and hope for the next year. Jessica and Brittany are talking about shopping and clothes, then horses and the next competition. I look up and notice Jessica glaring at me while she's talking to Brittany about the last competition we rode in together.

"I would've won but my horse got a sprain", she tells her.

I don't dare correct her or provoke her further as I can see she already has it in for me tonight and I just don't want to ruin the bonfire for Darry or myself. I turn away from her stare and immerse myself back into the guys conversation where there's definitely less drama. Darry looks at me and smiles, asking me if I want anything to eat or drink; he's going to go get a cup of water and maybe some chips or something for himself since we didn't eat before we left. I tell him thank you and yes, I'd love some water and a bag of chips too.

I'm now sitting here in a group of people that I've known my whole life, we've all grown up in school together and a lot of our families are intertwined in one way or another, especially since most of our parents are friends or at least friendly because they also went to school together. I know all of them, but I don't really know any of them. I know who's dating who and who likes who. I know who plays what position on the football team and I know bits and pieces of them, blah blah blah, but I only know most of that because of Darry or because of school.

I can't help but wish I had invested a little more into getting to know them all. I'd really like to feel like I'm part of their group. Darry's making his way back to us, two red cups in one of his big hands and two bags of chips in the other. He hands me my cup and then my chips and I thank him again. The fire is going strong now and the field has filled up with kids from 9th grade all the way up to 12th.

There are a few adults, but not many. I see Mr. Howard, my English teacher talking to Ms. Kline, the 9th grade Math teacher on the other side of the fire and the Sheriff is down field a little way, standing by the table of snacks and drinks. He's talking to his wife and another lady. Our school Principal, Mrs. Popovitz is standing at the other end of the field, closer to the cars, with the Vice Principal, Ms. Barnes. They have "Lovers Lane" duty. It's their one sole purpose to stand there making sure none of the students sneak away to make out or worse, in the parked cars. Other than that, I don't see any other adults. Its mostly students having fun, being carefree and enjoying their first night of summer freedom.

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