Chapter 26

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Watching her having so much fun in this bouncy house with me and my... er, I mean, our friends... her hair flying up over her every time she comes down to the plastic under her feet, and the smile that isn't going anywhere anytime soon... I am just so happy to see her this happy.

The reception is going great, we've been greeted by so many different people; well wishes, advice on how to have a happy marriage, lots of hugs and kisses on the cheek. Our kindergarten teacher is even here and came around and hugged me.

Right beside the entrance of the tent there's an old glass gallon jug that reminds me of the old moonshine jugs. There's a sign beside it that I'm sure one of the moms put there. It says, "Honeymoon Fund" and every time my eyes travel to it, there's more cash inside, which makes me very happy. I haven't told anyone yet, but I plan on taking her to the beach. Alice has never seen the ocean, and neither have I for that matter. I can't wait to see her eyes light up when she sees that great expanse of blue water for the first time.

When the guests start leaving and things start winding down, it's just our family and friends and us under the big tent. I can tell that Alice is getting sleepy, but she's fighting through it, not wanting to let the night fade away just yet.

Everyone is around our long table, the waiters are cleaning the guest's tables and clearing out the trash cans, getting ready to leave too. The music now plays softly in the background from one of the guys cellphones because the DJ left about an hour ago. Joel is sitting at the end of the table with Jessica, they're leaned into each other, talking quietly and laughing playfully. Jess finding any way she can to touch him, a brush of her hand on his arm when she talks, a playful slap to his chest for something that he's said. And Joel...well, he's eating it up.

Matt and Brittany are slow dancing on the dance floor just feet away from us, completely oblivious to all of us watching them. He leans in to steal a soft, gentle kiss every now and then and she just smiles, kissing him back. I can't help but wonder if we will be guests at their wedding soon.

Kevin is sitting across from us at the table, his feet propped up on the white tablecloth. Our parents have gathered to one side, they're talking about the success of the wedding and the reception.

"Who would've thought, just six months ago, that we'd be sitting here at you guys wedding reception?" Kevin says, not really expecting an answer but more of a thought that was carried out on a thoughtful breeze.

I look at Alice and she at me, and we just smile at each other. I lean down and touch my forehead to hers and say, "Yeah, who'd have thought this incredible creature could love me back enough to agree to marry me in less than two months' time."

Our moment is interrupted by the sound of my dad's voice, "Welp, guys, I think that's a wrap for us." My dad gets up from the table and takes my mom's hand, pulling her to her feet. "It's getting late for us old folks and we have a busy day ahead of us. Goodnight. We love you and we will see you crazy kids tomorrow."

Alice's parents follow suit and her dad says, "I think it's time for us to turn in too, sweetheart." He walks over, coming to kiss Alice on the top of her head, "Our days of all-nighters are long gone. We'll see you both tomorrow."

"Love you, goodnight." Mr. and Mrs. Wilson both tell us as they turn to walk back to their house through the trees.

It's just our little group of friends now. It's not even midnight yet, so we decide to dance another song or two and then we'll turn in for the night.

I'm about to get up and take Alice out onto the dance floor when to my surprise and chagrin, Kev stands up first and says, "Hey, do you mind if I take her around for just one song?" Realizing he hasn't really danced all night and that he came alone, I oblige and bow out. "Just one song though."

I watch as my best friend leads my new bride out onto the dance floor and a small wave of jealousy starts to wash over me. I quickly brush it away and just watch as they spin around the floor, both of them smiling and talking to each other. Joy quickly replaces the green-eyed monster that was trying to creep in.

I love that my worlds are meshing so well. These past few weeks have really made all the difference. When Alice saw how welcoming and open to her, they all were, she really let her guard down and allowed herself to get to know them, and them her. I've even been impressed by how much Jessica has tried to be civil to her. But Kevin, he's the one that seems to be who she gets along with the most. He's been really great at making her feel like she's one of the group, and I'm very grateful to him for it.

When their song ends, he brings her to me and announces, "She's all yours, sir. Thank you kindly for allowing me a dance with this beautiful woman." He bows and grins, lifting his eyes up at me, then sitting back down as I take her hand. "You are most welcome. Thank you for returning her swiftly." I bow back at him and we retreat to the dance floor, Alice laughing at our silliness the whole way. "Y'all really are dorks, you know that, right?"

"Indeed dear, we are, but then are you." I wink at her and she smacks my arm.

"Oww! We're gonna have to address this violent streak you've taken on lately, woman. I'm black and blue because of you, look..." I say lifting my shirt sleeve, pointing to a bruise that isn't there.

"Awww, is the little girl hurting the big strong man?" she teases me, blinking her eyes at me, like she's an innocent little angel.

"I'm telling you what..." I grab her and pick her up, swinging her around and setting her back down again.

"Hey guys, I think we're all gonna head out now, give y'all some time alone. We'll see you later." Joel comes over to tell us. We look back and everyone is grabbing coats and shoes, headed for the tent door. "It really was a beautiful wedding. Congratulations, we love y'all." Brittany says and everyone nods in agreement, disappearing through the tent exit.

The DJ, the wait staff and everyone else has left by now too. It's all quiet on the farmstead. So, I reach for my wife's hand and pull her to me until our bodies are pressed together. Looking down into her eyes, I ask, "Are you ready to turn in then, Mrs. Williams?" She nods in agreement, so I left her up in my arms, one arm around her back and one under her legs and carry her toward our house. She lays her head on my shoulder, nuzzling my neck with her her nose.

When we reach our house, I carry her inside, closing the door behind us; shutting out all the rest of the world. There's no one else now, just me and my beautiful wife.

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