Chapter 18

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Last night was so much fun! Darry and I went to hang out with his friends, we had dinner at my favorite Mexican restaurant and then we went to see a movie. I haven't seen a movie in forever. Our nearest theater is a few towns over so it's not a regular date night thing around Cedar Ridge.

The movie wasn't really my thing, some slasher horror film where the girl is a total moron and the killer walks his way around killing drunk teenagers. But I did enjoy watching Darry in the glow of the screen. When he would catch me staring, he'd smile and lean in for a kiss. So, of course, I kept playing that game.

When we got back to my house, Darry told me that he couldn't come in, he had something he needed to do. So, he walked me to the door and we said goodnight. I have to admit, my curiosity was peaked. The only time that Darry has ever had something to do that he didn't involve me in or tell me about, was when he was hiding his car from me.

Inside, my family is watching TV in the livingroom, so I go into the kitchen to grab some cookies and a glass of milk. I sit on the stool at the island and start dunking my cookie. After the third one, my mom walks into the kitchen and sits down with me.

"Hey, I didn't know you were home. How was your night?" she asks, "I feel like we've hardly seen you lately."

"It was fun. We went to dinner with Darry's friends and then we went to see a movie", I tell her. "What are y'all watching in the livingroom?" I ask, a twinge of guilt rushes over me that I haven't told her about the engagement yet.

We talk a little more and I can't take it. I'm just about to tell her, about to just blurt it all out, "Mom, I have to tell you...", when Darry comes through the front door. She looks from me to Darry and back to me again, confusion washing over her. He says hello to her and walks across the room, then he bends down to kiss me. "Can we go to the livingroom for a minute, please?" he asks, looking from me to mom.

We agree and follow behind him. When we enter the livingroom Darry asks my dad if he wouldn't mind pausing the movie. He sits me down in the recliner beside where my family is now sitting, all eyes on me and Darry. He seems a bit nervous, but I'm not sure why. I'm watching him, the look on his face, the way he's moving, and he's definitely nervous. He finally calms when he focuses on me and comes to stand in front of me. He smiles and kneels in front of me. I hear my family shifting on the couch, but I don't dare turn my eyes from Darry's stare. He reaches up and grabs my hand, pulling it to his lips, he kisses it, in front of my parents and Robby. My heart skips a beat.

Darry reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small black box. He opens it, revealing a white gold, princess cut, solitaire diamond ring. I can't believe what I'm seeing! Did he really leave to go buy me a ring? "Oh, Darry", I breath the words, my eyes welling up with tears.

"Alley, you know I love you. I have always loved you. I can't remember a day that I didn't ache to be near you. I wake up in the morning thinking of you and when I go to bed every night, you are the thought that occupies my dreams. I want to spend the rest of my life being everything you need me to be. Would you please do me the honor of making me the happiest man in the entire world? Will you marry me, Alley?" I can feel the anticipation coming from the couch next to me.

I throw my arms around him and bury my face into his neck. "Yes, of course. Yes, I'll marry you, Darry." And then I whisper in his ear, "You already know I will. But thank you for this."

My family claps and then they are beside us, their arms around us. "Oh my! I have to call Elaine!", my mom cries. "Congratulations, young man", my dad tells Darry, hugging him, "Welcome to the family, not that you aren't already family."

Robby hugs my neck and then he turns to Darry, very serious like, he puts his hand out for Darry. When Darry puts his hand in Robby's, Robby shakes it and says, "Congratulations... brother." He turns to walk away and then turns back, his eyes wide, all of the color drained from his face and he asks us, "Wait! Does this mean... are we... does this make me and Beth brother and sister??"

Me and Darry look at each other and then back to Robby. Robby sits on the couch, waiting anxiously to hear our answer. "I mean, not technically, no", I begin. "Why, little dude, what's bothering you?" Darry speaks up. Robby looks down at the floor and then back up at us, a small smile creeping along his lips. He doesn't say a word, just gets up and walks out of the livingroom.

Oh my. Me and Darry look at each and then back to my parents. And we all bust out laughing. "Oh my, my. I think we have another love-struck kid in the house", my mom says to us.

Robby... and Beth? Oh Lord. I would have never guessed. I wonder if she returns my baby brother's affections. Has he even told her how he feels? Sheesh. They would be cute together though. In another 7 years!

We leave to go tell Darry's family and meet much the same reaction. Everyone is overjoyed for us, no one is upset or tells us that we are too young or that it's too fast. I think they all knew we'd end up together. Why did everyone else seem to know this fate before me?

I watch for Beth's reaction specifically, wondering if she will say or do anything to give away how she feels about Robby. Nothing. If she was worried like he was, she didn't say anything or give anything away. In fact, she acted kind of bored, like this was somehow old news to her.

Darry and I leave to go back to my house to go to bed. He hasn't left me lately, and I can't say that I mind it really. I love spending time with him, and seeing as we're getting married, I guess that's a good thing.

We fall asleep in each other's arms, talking about wedding plans and visualizing our future together.

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