Chapter 25

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I can't believe he got a bouncy house for the reception. He is too cute! I adore his fun side and the fact that he knew I'd love this. He even picked a princess castle, which is definitely not something that just any guy would think of. I mean who would rent a friggin bouncy house for their wedding reception anyway?

Daryl Williams, that's who.

I turn to look at him, immersed in conversation with my father, and appreciate how animated he is when he speaks. He's so handsome, his strong features highlighted under the glow of the fairy lights that surround the tent. I can't believe he's mine. I'm one lucky girl. I feel the warmth coming to my cheeks as I watch him and look away before anyone sees me blushing.

When the waiter comes to bring us our meal, he sets my plate down first; salmon with steamed broccoli and rice pilaf. We don't drink but it's my wedding and I wanted to feel fancy, so tonight I'm drinking my ice water out of a beautiful round wine glass.

Darry chose the grilled chicken with little red potatoes and asparagus, but I know he won't touch the asparagus. As if he's reading my mind, he looks at his plate and then at me and lifts the asparagus spears from his plate with his fork, settling them down onto my plate. "I don't do asparagus, yuck." He says, with exaggerated disgust on his face. I don't know why he didn't just ask them to put green beans or something that he does like with his meal, but that's Darry for you; always a people-pleaser, never one to really rock the boat, especially not over something like that.

I love how he keeps looking over at me and touching my hand, smiling at me, or kissing my cheek before he takes on another conversation with the people at our table. It's like he's making sure I'm still here next to him.

When dinner ends, it's time to have our first dance. The DJ makes the announcement that we'll be moving to the dance floor and "Lady" starts playing, signaling the beginning of our first dance. I kind of wish I'd have left the dress on for this, but I didn't think about it. I just wanted to get back into my regular clothes as quickly as possible.

Darry takes me by the hand, lifting me up from my seat and leads me to the dance floor. He spins me around, playfully, as Lionel's sweet, smooth voice fills our ears. He leads the dance, swaying me back and forth, his movements both gentle and fluid. I lay my head against his chest and let him guide my body around the floor. When I look up, I see all eyes are on us, but I don't even care right now. I'm lost in the moment with my husband, enjoying the way it feels for him to hold me, his arm wrapped securely around my back, the other holding my hand against his body.

He leans down to kiss me and then spins me out and pulls me back in. The song is so sweet, I love that he picked this one. I love that he doesn't have any problem with telling me how he feels or with being sweet, sappy even, in front of everyone else. All he sees is me and it feels incredible.

When the song is coming to an end, my dad walks out to us. Darry puts my hand in his and "The Way You Look Tonight", begins to play. Darry kisses my cheek and goes to sit back down.

This song makes me feel so elegant. I love the soft silkiness of Frank Sinatra's voice. Daddy is a good dancer, like Darry. He's so graceful; his movements smooth, he's well controlled, not making any sudden changes, but going right along with the music. Daddy is who I learned to dance with when I was a little girl. He would play his Sinatra records in the livingroom and I'd step up on his feet while he whirled me around. "I can't believe we're dancing at your wedding. I remember doing this when you were nothing more than knee high to a grasshopper. Who knew this night would come so fast?" Daddy says to me, his voice full of love and sadness, but a smile on his face. "I was just remembering that too, Daddy." I tell him and lay my head on his chest. "I love you, Daddy." "I love you too, sugar, more than anything else in the world."

Darry is back on the dance floor, whirling his mom around with the next song. Robby walks out to ask if I will dance with him and Mom comes to dance with daddy. I watch as Mr. Williams spins Beth around beside us and can't help but smile at my family. This is my family, all of these wonderful people. I look at Robby who is almost eye level with me at just thirteen years old. "That was a nice ceremony. I like all the lights. And Darry's reaction was pretty funny." He turns to catch Beth's gaze and smiles at her. "You really like her, don't you, little brother?" I ask, watching for a reaction. "Yeah..." is all he says, spinning me away from him and bringing me back to him. "Whoa! Has daddy been teaching you to dance, too?"

"Nah", he smiles at me, like that was a silly question, "Me and Beth listen to the radio in the barn. We've kinda learned together, just playing around."

I realize that my little brother has this whole secret life that I didn't even know about. I can't help but wonder if he and Beth will see the same future that me and Darry are now enjoying.

When the song ends, the DJ announces that it's time for dessert and toasts. We all go back to the tables and sit through the many wonderful toasts and then the waiters bring out the huge 5-tiered wedding cake. It's rolled out in front of our table and I can hear the ladies around us murmuring and whispering about how beautiful it is. The cake is pretty tall as far as cakes go. It's frosted to look like a birch tree. On the top layer they've carved a heart with "D & A" inside, into the frosting. There's a single white rose on top of the cake and another between the top and second layers, with random sprigs of greenery here and there. It's absolutely beautiful. I almost hate to cut it... almost.

"You ready, babe?" Darry asks, standing up and putting his hand out for me to take. We walk over to the cake and pick up the silver carving knife. There's a pink pearl set in the handle, which is why I picked this one. With Darry's hand over mine, we lift the knife and cut into the bottom layer, together. He takes a small piece and I take one too. I put my piece into his mouth, and he does the same for me. The crowd cheers and we smile, walking back to our table.
I really want to get back to the bouncy house with Darry. It was so much fun. I haven't been inside one since I was really little and even then, it was just once at a birthday party.

"When can we go back to the jumpy?" I lean over and whisper to Darry. He grins and says, "Whenever you want, sweet Alice.... whenever you want."

"Really? Let's go now!" I say, grabbing him by the hand and taking off to the bouncy house. I hear giggles and then footsteps behind us the whole way. When we get to the bouncy, I go inside first and then Darry's head pops in, and he climbs inside behind me. But the faces don't stop there, here comes Matt and Britt, Kev, then Joel and Jess, right behind us. The bouncy is filled up as we jump from wall to wall, bumping into one another, laughing like crazy.  

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