The Best Day Ever and The Worst combination of friends.

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Wow, that's a long title. My first story got over 800 reads and I have 10 followers now, so thanks for that! As a reward, I will release the first two chapters of volume 2 today. Hope you all enjoy Volume 2!

(POV: 3rd)

The shopkeep had just finished hanging up a sign to welcome business back into his newly renovated shop. He nodded at his sign and started to climb down, when all of a sudden, he fell down. Fortunately for him, a young girl was there to help him up.

???: Excuse me! Sorry! I'm not really from around here.

She pulls him up and holds up a slip of paper.

??? Um, would you mind pointing me in the direction of this shop?

Shopkeep nods and gives her directions.

Emerald walks away and waves at him, signaling him a "thank you". Meanwhile, her "friends" have been waiting for her behind a corner.

Mercury: I knew you were lost.

Bryan: That's why you idiots should've listened to me. I know exactly where the boss needed to go but NOO. This is "your" mission.

Emerald: Bryan, was it? I will seriously pay you to shut up.

Bryan: It's not your money.

Emerald: But it could be yours for a five minutes of silence.

Bryan: I've got an entire suitcase full. I don't need your not money.

Emerald: Fine! (throws lien on the ground)

Bryan: All yours, Merc.

Mercury: Like you said, it's not her money.

A few moments later

The three kids arrived at a bookstore and walked in. Emerald walked up to the front desk and rang the bell.

Tucson: Be right there!

The clerk walked out of the back carrying a stack of books.

Tucson: Welcome to Tucson's book trade. Home to every book under the sun.
He puts the books down and faces the trio.

Tucson: How may I... (gasps softly) How may I help you?

Mercury: Just browsin'
Emerald: Actually, I was wondering... do have any copies of "the thief and the butcher"?

Tucson: Yes, we do.

Emerald: That's great!

Tucson: Would you... like a copy?

Emerald: No, just wondering.

Mercury slams a book closed.

Emerald: Oh oh! What about "Violets garden" in paperback?

Mercury: He's got it! Hardback too.

Emerald: Ooh! Options are nice!

Mercury: Eh, no pictures.

Bryan: Do you even know how to read?

Mercury: Hey, do you have any comics?

Tucson: Near the front.

Emerald: Oh, no wait! What about... "Third crusade"?

Tucson: Um... I... don't believe we carry that one.

Mercury: Oh!

Emerald: What was this place called again?

Tucson: Tucson's book trade.

That Rose and her One guy (Ruby Rose x Male Reader Volume 2)Where stories live. Discover now