Extracurricular and Earning back trust

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Sorry for not uploading earlier. I was at work. Good thing I'm not 18 otherwise I'd have to pay for gas and sh*t. But the important thing is that I'm back with a new part here. Whoa... 90 reads and 1 vote. That's... an improvement. Anyways... enjoy!

(POV: Y/N)

We were in Goodwitch's class, watching Pyrrha fight team CRDL on her own. Everyone was amazed by how good I fighter she was.

(Y/N): [Oh, please. I once did it with more style]

Ruby: (Y/N), Shh! I'm watching the fight!

We watched as Pyrrha blocked every single attack from Cardin because she had already taken down *RDL. Every swing of his mace, she dodged. Every hit he landed, she blocked. She quickly made her move, not even giving Cardin time to catch his breath. She grabbed him by the neck and lifted him into the air.

(Y/N): [She's a badass!]

She slammed him down onto the floor and flipped him over. Cardin got up on his knees and the fight ended.

Goodwitch: And that's the match.

Cardin: (Groans) Lucky shot. (Falls over and dies or something)

Goodwitch: Well done, Miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament.

Pyrrha: Thank you professor.

Goodwitch: Alright, I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more match. Any volunteers? Miss Belladonna? You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you-

Mercury raises his hand but I flail my arms like crazy.

(Y/N): Professor Goodwitch! I volunteer!

Mercury glares at me and I smirk.

Goodwitch: Mr (L/N)? You actually want to contribute to class?

(Y/N): It appears I do.

Goodwitch: Very well. Let's find you an opponent, shall we?

I grin and put my fists up when I step into the ring.

(Y/N): (Scottish accent) Alright! Who want's to take on groundskeeper Willie?

Yang: I'll do it.

(Y/N): Oh sh*t. Ya know what? H-how b-bout we let the uh... the randomize thing choose?

Goodwitch: If miss Xiao Long wants to fight, I say we should let her fight.

(POV 3rd)

Ruby pulls Yang to her side.

Ruby: Yang, I know you and the rest of the team are still mad at him but could you really blame him? He was only trying to keep us safe!

Yang: I can take care of myself. You're lucky that he's your boyfriend because I would have killed him a few days ago and I would kill him right now.

Ruby: Yang! Please don't hurt him!

Yang: I can only promise that I won't break anything.

Yang steps into the ring and puts her fists up. You piss your pants- I mean... put Destiny's Ward aside and equip your web shooters. You're getting mixed cheering from the audience.

Ruby: Be careful (Y/N)!

Weiss: Kill him Yang!

Jaune: You can do this (Y/N)!

Ren: I hope you both fight well!


(Y/N): Yang? You... really plan on hurting me, huh?

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