Painting the town and Ruining the paint

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Wow, there's like 70 something reads right now. And still no votes... (Sad noise). So here's the chapter I got so excited about. Hope you enjoy and if you don't... uh... vote anyway, I guess. Enjoy!

(POV: 3rd)

A few moments ago.

A group of faunus are gathered together in a warehouse guarded by members of the white fang. They're all calm until Roman Torchwick and Bryan Green step onto the stage. Neo and a hooded girl stand close.

Deer faunus: What are humans doing here?

Torchwick: Well, I'm glad you asked deer-y. Now, I'll be the first to admit that humans are the worst. Case and point. So I understand why you would love to see us all locked away or better yet... killed. But, before you're claws come out. I'd like to mention that you and I all have a common enemy. The ones in control, the people pulling the strings, the dirty rotten humans that run our kingdoms. Government, military, even the schools. They're all to blame for your lot in life!

The audience starts cheering at Torchwick and the cheering dies down when Bryan steps up to continue his speech.

Bryan: And they're all pests that need to be dealt with. Fortunately, the boss (Points to Torchwick), Miss Neo, my new friend, and I are the best exterminators in town. No offense to any rodents in the room.

He pulls off a tarp to reveal an Atlesean Paladin with the white fang emblem on it. The crowd starts cheering and Bryan continues the speech. When it's over, a white fang member calls out:

WF Member: All new recruits, please come forward!

The newer white fang members step closer to the stage. Bryan and Torchwick are enjoying their praise until Bryan spots Blake and Sun.

Sun: [What are we gonna do?]

Blake: [I'm thinking.]

Bryan pulls out his weapon in sword form and steps off of the stage.

Sun: He sees us!

Blake: He can't see in the dark.

Sun nervously waves at Bryan, who transforms his sword into assault rifle mode and prepares to shoot until the room goes dark from Blake shooting a fuse box. The crowd screams as gunshots are heard and the sound of machinery is powered on.

Torchwick: Don't let them get away!

Bryan: Hang on!

Blake: Sun! The window!

Torchwick: Stop em!

Bryan: I'm on it!

Blake and Sun crash through the window and begin to jump rooftops until the paladin crashes through the side of the warehouse and begins to follow them. Bryan, who now has wings, flies ahead of the paladin and fires his gun at the two.

Sun: So you wouldn't happen to have... oh I dunno... some form of backup!?

Blake: On it! (Pulls out scroll) Everyone! If you can hear me, we need backup-


(POV: Y/N)

Sun: They've got a robot, and it's big. That other kid has wings, and they're both gonna kill us!

Ruby: Oh, I am not missing this!

(Y/N): Me neither. You run ahead, it's time to test these things out.

Ruby: (Y/N), Now's not the time for silly string. We're gonna fight a robot!

(Y/N): It's not silly string and I WILL help you fight a robot. I just need to attach these things to my wrists. Go! I'll catch up!

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