Searched and Destroyed

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Here's the new chapter. Hope it's good enough cuz I kinda created a lot of plotholes for the next chapter. So I got rid of those, but it resulted in some parts not being as awesome as they should have been. Sorry for that but I hope you enjoy.

I continue to fall and the feeling of pure awesomeness surrounds me. I do my best to land on my knee and pull of a superhero landing. I manage to pull it off... almost flawlessly.

(Concrete cracking noise/ music cutting off.)


Oobleck: (Over earpiece) Mr (L/N)! Any more stunts like that one and I'll have you sent back to the school!

(Y/N): Sorry doc! Ow! I was just... kinda excited.

Oobleck: Believe me. I once wanted to enter missions as badly as you do right now, but I can tell you from experience that this is not the way to do it. You must always wait for your team.

Yang: Yeah (Y/N)! Save some grimm for us!

(Y/N): Right! Sorry everybody.

The rest of my team jumps down with their weapons drawn. I use my aura to heal my knee and stand up. I pull out Destiny's Ward and activate hand cannon mode.

Oobleck: Students, you still may be... students, but as of this moment your first mission as huntsman and huntresses has begun. From this point forward, you need to do exactly as I say. Do you understand?

We all nod and he turns to look at Ruby.

Oobleck: Ruby!

She drops Crescent Rose and hides behind me.

Yang: Look at her, she looks so cuute!

Ruby: Yang!

Oobleck: Not now miss Xiao Long. Ruby, I thought I told you to leave all your bags back at school.

Ruby: But... uh, you hadn't told us to listen to you yet. So I didn't.

(Y/N): [Nice save.]

Ruby: [Thank you.]

Oobleck: She's not wrong... Very well Ruby, leave your bag here. We can pick it up upon our return.

Ruby: But, I...

Oobleck: Young Lady, what in the world could you possibly have in your bag that it could be so important to bring it with... (Zwei pops head out of bag.)

The team looks at us and I laugh nervously.

(Y/N): Oh, uh... hehe... how did that get in there?

Ruby: [Get back in the bag.]

Zwei: Bark!

Oobleck: We're here to investigate an urban jungle teaming with death and hostility... and you brought... a dog?
Ruby:...I uh...

Oobleck: Genius!

Ruby shrugs at us while Oobleck runs past us and picks up Zwei, knocking down Ruby. He holds him up and spins him around while I help Ruby up.

Oobleck: Canines are known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of sound, making excellent companions on hunts such as ours!

Zwei: Ruff!

Ruby:... I'm a genius!

(Y/N): (Hugs Ruby) I knew that the entire time.

Weiss: You two are both idiots.

Blake: So, what are your orders, Doctor?

Oobleck: Ah yes! Straight to the chase! I like it!

He drops Zwei and turns to face us.

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