Field Trip and Reassurance

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Guess who's sick? ME! I didn't upload earlier cuz I wasn't feeling too great, but I'm here now. So... that's enough introduction. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Ta dah!

(POV: Y/N)

You and Ruby were headed toward Ozpins office. Classes had just ended, Your aura had just finished patching my wounds as best as it could. The two of you were walking to the elevator holding hands. She let go as she entered and she pressed all of the buttons. She turned back at you with the most adorable face.

Ruby: Oopsie.

(Y/N): Well, it's gonna be a looong ride up so I'm just gonna take a little nap nap here in this corner. I sure hope nobody else gets in.

You get in a corner and lay down and rest your back against the wall. You then look at Ruby and she just sits down.

(Y/N): You coming or not?

Ruby: Huh?

(Y/N): (Spreads arms) I, uh... kinda can't sleep without you.

Ruby: (Blushes) Oh yeah! Right!

She quickly gets into your arms and snuggles up with you. You kiss the top of her head and she holds you tighter. After a few minutes, you can't help but notice that she's upset. She's been like this the entire day, hardly making eye contact with you. She's been hanging around with you at least.

(Y/N): Ruby.

Ruby: Hmm?

(Y/N): I love you, but that means that you have to tell me when something is wrong and clearly something is. Please just tell me what's bothering you. You know how I feel when you get upset.

Ruby: It's... nothing...

I smolder at her and tilt my head.

Ruby: Don't do that! Fine! Something IS wrong!

She starts crying and you hold her tight. She nuzzles her head into your chest and you begin to stroke her hair.

(Y/N): Ruby, please tell me what's wrong.

Ruby:(Sobbing) I... I just... you said you loved Seraphina so much... I'm just scared... how you'll feel about me... now that she... I... don't want this to sound horrible...

(Y/N): Just tell me Ruby. I'll understand. I promise

Ruby: I... don't want you to get back with her... I'm sorry... but... I don't want to think about what happens if you stop loving me.... I just... I love you so much... I'm sorry if that makes me sound terrible...

She continues to cry and you continue comforting her. You tighten your grip around Ruby and she does the same. You stroke her hair some more before breaking the silence.

(Y/N): Ruby... look at me. She may look like Seraphina. She may sound like her... she may even be like her but she's not her. She stabbed and shot me. She's an evil version and she's not the love of my life. You are. And so long as I live you will always be the person who I will care about the most. I love you Ruby. I love you as much as you love me and then some. Besides, who would help you lead the team?

She smiles at you and you smile back. Your faces are now about an inch apart and before you make the move, Ruby does it for you. Kissing you and you kiss her back without a second thought. She continues even though you both are in need of air. She now knows that you won't ever leave her. No matter what. You finally separate and your moment is ruined when the door to the elevator opens and Ozpin, Goodwitch, and Ironwood are staring at you. Ozpin and Glynda both hide their smiles and Ironwood looks at you.

That Rose and her One guy (Ruby Rose x Male Reader Volume 2)Where stories live. Discover now