(Un) Welcome to Beacon

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Here's part 2, enjoy!

(POV: Y/N)

We were in the Library playing Remnant: The game. Or, I was watching the rest of the team play. Ruby felt bad about me losing the rock, paper, scissors game to decide who was gonna play, so she let me move her character tokens during her turn. She also let me help her in picking what card to use or when to attack. This is why I love her so much. We were both examining her hand and we quietly tried to explain to each other what would be the best option for attack.

(Y/N): [No, if you do that, you risk activating her trap card.]

Ruby: [Yeah, but if it works, we could weaken Yang's forces and then we have a direct shot at beating her.]

(Y/N): [I literally saw this entire part play out in the show, she has a trap card! I say we should still have another go at her Ursai because then we can slowly start to weaken her.]

Ruby: [Whatever card it is, the fleet can probably overpower it!]

(Y/N): [No it won't! She'll activate the card and then we're toast! Do you realize how low on health we are?]

Ruby:[Hush, we'll make up for it with our reduced repair time. You just have to believe.]

(Y/N):[Fine, but we are gonna lose the fleet]

Ruby: [I'll show you who's gonna lose, and you'll owe me an entire bakery]

(Y/N): [Again? That's the same bet you've made the last 3 times!]

Ruby: [I know what I'm about, (Y/N).]

Ruby turns to Yang and points her finger.

Ruby: Yang Xiao Long, prepare your kingdom for battle!

Yang: (Fist pumps) Bring it on!

Ruby: I deploy... the Atlesean air fleet!

(Y/N): And we're dead.

Ruby: Hush! Looks like I get to fly right over your Ursai and attack your walls directly! (Makes cute airship and explosion noise)

(Y/N): Directed by Michael Bay.

Weiss: Who?

(Y/N): That's right...

Yang gasps and points her finger at Ruby.

Yang: You fiend!

Ruby: And, since Atlas is part of Mantle, my repair time only lasts one turn!

Yang: Hehehahaha!

Ruby gasps and watches in horror as her sister holds up the card that I was trying to warn her about.

Yang: Pretty sneaky, sis! But you've just activated my trap card!

(Y/N): (Facepalms) What did I tell you? WHAT DID I TELL YOU!?

Ruby: WHAT!?

Yang: GIANT NEVERMORE! (Slams fist on table) If I roll a seven or higher, fatal feathers will slice your fleet in two!

Ruby: But! If you roll a six or lower, the nevermore will turn on your own forces!

Yang: That's just a chance I'm willing to take. HA!

She rolls the dice and I slow mo watch as it slowly comes to a stop right on the seven.

Ruby: NOOOO!!

She wraps her hands around me and cries into my chest.


Yang: Eh... most of them were probably androids

That Rose and her One guy (Ruby Rose x Male Reader Volume 2)Where stories live. Discover now