unexpected meeting

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Y/n's POV
"Come on Tannie! Let's go for a walk!" A deep yet cheerful voice yells, followed by the sound of a dog barking ringing through my room.

*woof woof* *woof woof*

I grumbled as I was awakened by the familiar sound of my neighbors dog barking. I yawned, stretching my arms and legs as I rolled out of my bed. I reached over to the table next to me and checked my phone for the time.

hmmm 10:45 am...at least it's a pretty decent time.

My thoughts get broken by the barks of my neighbors dog again. I groaned as I walk towards the window closing it to muffle the sound, then made my way to the bathroom to get ready for my day.

Geez, this dog...

After everything, I went downstairs to make myself a bowl of cereal. I ate in silence as I scrolled through instagram looking at cute puppies. I smiled as I reminisced about my old puppy. I never really knew what happened to him.

One day I came home from school and called his name, but he never came like he usually did. I searched all over the house but nothing. I frantically went around the whole neighborhood looking for him, asking as many people as I could.

I even put up missing flyers, but nothing. I eventually gave up the search after a couple of weeks because it was obvious he wasn't coming back.

He was the cutest thing ever. I named him Coco; I would always take him to the park down the street to run around and play. I smiled lightly at my memories, wiping the stray tears off my face before getting up to put the dishes in the sink and getting my shoes before walking out the door.

Maybe a walk in the park will make me feel better.

I put on my earbuds, putting on Oxygen by Jackson Wang on, and made my way to the park. I walked on the park trail for a while, taking a few pictures of the scenery before heading back.

As I was walking back, in my own little world, I heard barking and frantic screams coming from a familiar voice.

"YEONTAN! YEONTAN! NO!!" I heard a deep voice say. As I turned around I saw a dog running straight towards me, and before I knew it I was the dog jumped on me, tackling me to the ground, licking my face.

I smiled sadly, remembering the feeling of my dog kissing me. After the dog calmed down, I held the dog in my arms, but can't help  noticing how similar he was to my old puppy. Tearing up, I stroked the dogs fur.

A few seconds later, the owner finally caught up to us. He quickly scooped Yeontan up in his arms before bowing and apologizing repeatedly.

"I'm so sorry miss. I'm so sorry." He kept repeating. "It's okay." I managed to say with my head still down. I didn't face him because I was too embarrassed so I kept looking down.

I thought after a few moments he would leave, but no. He stood there looking at me before holding his hand out waiting for me to take it. Reluctantly, I took his hand and pulled myself up.

For the first time, my eyes met his and I was star struck, I felt like I just bumped into a real life angel, I would be lying if I said my heart didn't flutter for a split second. He had gorgeous brown hair, which ended near his eyes, and multiple piercings which made him seem even more attractive.

I snapped out of my thoughts yet again with him pulling me close to his chest, and giving me a hug.

"Are you okay? Why are you crying? You aren't hurt are you?" He kept asking me questions and wiped my tears, and checking if I was hurt. Holding the dog called Yeontan in one of his arms, and me in the other, comforting me.

I reached my arm out indicating I wanted to hold the dog. Immediately he handed the dog to me, letting me stroke his fur. I couldn't handle the overwhelming emotions taking over me and started crying even more as I held Yeontan in my arms.

The man immediately pulled me back in his arms, letting me cry on his chest as he stroked my hair. I don't know why but, in his arms I felt safe and nothing could hurt me. He is indeed an angel in disguise, I'm sure of it.

After a couple minutes I calmed down once again, handing the dog back to him. I wiped the rest of my tears away before bowing to him.

"I'm sorry." I said softly as the man chuckled, showing his box smile. "What for?" He kept his smile. "For making you worry, and keeping you at this park for so long. You must have wanted to go home." I looked down.

I felt his soft hands pull my chin back up. "Don't worry, i'm just glad you're okay." He pulled me in for a hug again and once again I felt my heart flutter.

When we pulled apart, he put Yeontan on the floor and put the leash on him. We made eye contact and this time we both smiled, getting lost in each other's eyes.

"Kim Taehyung. Let's be friends!" He said, reaching his arm out. I smile as I accepted the handshake.

"Park Y/n."
hello there, yes i am back :))
hahaha buckle up for this story, cuz there's gonna be a lot that's going to happen. i love you all my little scrunches, until next time, bye! <3

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