hateful relationship

28 1 0

Y/n's POV
Looking in each other's eyes, we both knew we had a connection. He really took my breath away, how can a human look like this?

We stayed like this for a while before Yeontan decided to start barking making us both look down at him.

"Ah, sorry Y/n, but I have to go home to feed Yeontan." Taehyung politely bowed.

"No need to be so formal." I chuckled, feeling the blush rush to my cheeks.

"Where do you live? I'll walk you home." He smiled. "Y-you don't have to, it's totally fine!" I stutter. "No, no it's no problem!" He box smiled.

Damn that smile...so cute. I don't usually smile, but being with him, I just can't help it.

"Well...if you insist; I live on 28 maple street." I looked down. "No way...I live on 30 maple street! Y-you're my neighbor?" He looked at me with his eyes wide.

"I guess I am." I say before a thought struck my head. "Wait!! If you are my neighbor then..." I groaned before pushing my hair back. "So it's YOUR dog that's always making so much noise." My happiness being replaced with anger and frustration.

"E-eh? What are you tal-" I cut him off before he finished. "Your dog! He's always barking all day. I can never get anything done. He's so annoying!" I rant.

"Well it's not my fault that dogs bark!" He fires back, clearly showing strong emotions for this dog. "But can you at least control your dogs barking?!" I argued back.

"How?! Tell me!" I yelled back, now having a full fledged argument in the middle of the park. "I don't know, just shut him up!" I yelled and started to walk away.

"Awh crap...I didn't mean to be that harsh!" I thought but my pride kept me from looking back.

As I was walking away I heard him yell after me. "You know what? I was wrong. You're a jerk." He spat. I stopped my steps before turning back at him. "Then I guess we shouldn't be friends." I stated before continuing to walk away. "You're right, we shouldn't." His angry gaze pierced through me, sending chills down my spine. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes and walked off.

From that short meeting till present time, I still see Taehyung walking Yeontan everyday. He still seems happy, and acts as if nothing happened, like I don't even exist. On the other hand there's me.

Things haven't been going so well for me. I got fired from my job since they found a new employee that was more skilled and also more favored by the shop than me.

I haven't really been happy lately. In fact, the last time I felt true happiness was when i met Taehyung. I regret being so harsh on him, not to mention guilty, he truly made me feel safe and happy.

After that day, I really didn't want to encounter him, but since we're neighbors, that was nearly impossible. There would be days where I came home from work and we would see each other in the street. It's always the same things. Cold stares and harsh glares, but not from me, from Taehyung.

I never replied with a glare, I just simply walked past him, with my head down, ignoring Yeontan barking at me if he was with him or if Taehyung was muttering insults at me. I was too tired to look back and too guilty to face him, but I don't think he ever noticed. I never thought that we would develop this hateful relationship but, here it is.

Work was terrible, it was nothing but orders and insults thrown at me, so when I got fired I was relieved but, the question remaining was how would I pay for rent? For food? My only way of money was from my family who eventually got tired of sending money to me and cut ties with me.

I've been trying to find a new stable job, but nothing was working out, so I have been working multiple part time jobs with low pay. I come home from working everyday ready to pass out. I'm so tired of everything.

I sighed as I sat by my window just staring outside with my tired and teary eyes. I felt my stomach grumble and got up to look for food but was greeted by an empty fridge and cabinets.

Pulling out my wallet from my bag, I tried to look for any left over money from work but all I had was about 5 dollars left in my wallet.

Well, this should be enough for some snacks.

I put on my shoes and went out to the nearest grocery store. I looked like a mess but, I didn't care. Picking out a couple bags of chips and some instant ramen, I went to go pay.

"Thank you for coming!" The cashier said. I bowed politely before walking out the store but came to a stop as I saw the pouring rain. With no umbrella, I had no choice but to walk home in the rain.

I sighed before pulling up my hood and started walking, letting the raindrops soak me. As I was walking home I felt the rain stop falling on me. Looking up I saw an umbrella over my head, followed by an old familiar voice.

"What are you doing out here?"
Wow this story got depressing so fast. It's 5 am and I couldn't sleep the whole night. I got band camp on Monday welp. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, it won't be as sad as it goes on! :) Love you my scrunches.

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