unspoken words

14 1 0

Y/n's POV
My eyes slowly fluttered open as the sun rays hit my eyes. I stretched my arms and legs before removing the covers. Looking around, I didn't recognize the room I was in.

I quickly looked down to see I was not in the same clothes I was in last night. Suddenly, the door swung open revealing a messy haired Taehyung.

"Ah, I see your awake." He said with his morning voice. "Yeah, ummm d-did you change my clothes?" I uneasily asked. "Don't worry my sister changed you." He said.

I quickly sighed in relief before locking eyes with his chocolate brown ones. Not breaking contact he walked up to me and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry." He whispered into my ear. "I'm sorry for yelling at you that day and for all of the days I ignored you. I never had the courage to approach you when you're clearly going through something." He hugged me tighter.

"Taehyung I-" I whispered weakly. "Please Y/n, tell me what's going on, what you're going through. I promise I'll listen and help you." Tae interrupted.

Before I knew it, I wrapped my arms around his neck and let my tears fall. "I forgive you.." Taehyung rubbed my back comforting me, tearing up himself. Releasing the hug, I told him everything, with work, and how I was struggling.

Tearing up as I finished my story, he hugged me once again. "I'm glad you told me." He said, wiping my tears. I chuckled before wiping his fallen tears as well. "I feel like you're always wiping away my tears, let me wipe away yours Taetae!" I said without thinking.

"Taetae?" He smirked. "Ahhh, sorry." I looked away but he pulled my chin making me look at him. "Hm, it's okay. I like it." He smiles. "Well, if you have a nickname for me I'll also give you one." He continued. "What would that be?" I asked curiously.

Taehyung suddenly started to move his face closer to me, making me back away by instinct until I couldn't anymore. I felt Taehyung's hot breath on my face before he whispered. "Angelface." I blushed a bright red while Taehyung pushed himself off me, laughing hysterically.

"Ha! Did you see the look on your face? You looked so cute all flustered." Taehyung winked before pinching my cheeks slightly. "S-stop it!" I whined. "Eughhh stopp ittt." He teased me. "Whatever." I hit him on the chest lightly. "Okay okay, i'm sorry!" He chuckled again.

"So..does this mean we're friends again?" I asked rubbing my arm. I yelped as I got pulled onto his lap. "Yes." Tae mumbled in my head. Nuzzling my face on his chest I smile to myself.

"I missed you." I say. I hear Taehyung chuckle before he wiped the tear that rolled off my face. "I missed me too." He made a V shape with his hand and put it on his chin. "Okay, moment ruined." I laugh. "Also, are you ticklish?" I add on. "Uhh, why?" Tae asks nervously.

"Because..." After that word I jumped on him and started to tickle him making Taehyung burst out of laughter. "Ahh! Stop it." He screamed and held my arms to prevent me from tickling him.

We laughed for a bit before we heard a knocked on the door, revealing Taehyung's sister. "Hey guys! I made you guys breakfast, come down." His sister says. "Ah, by the way, my name is Seoyoon." Seoyoon smiles. "Thank you!" I bow and went downstairs with Tae.

As soon as we got downstairs the delicious smell of pancakes instantly filled or nostrils making our mouths water. "Woah." I froze as I saw the beautifully stacked strawberry pancakes on the table. Seoyoon chuckled as I sat down. "I assume that was a compliment." She stated. We all laughed as we sat down to eat.

As we ate, Yeontan suddenly came up to me and sat next to me. Seeing this, I got a little bit emotional. Coco used to do sit next to me as I ate back when he was with me. All I could do was to smile fondly as I ate my pancakes as Yeontan sat there.

"You know Tae, your dog reminds me a lot of my old puppy, he even does the same thing as my old puppy." I look down at my now empty plate. "Is that so?" Taehyung looks at me and grabs my plate. I thanked him before picking up Yeontan.

"Come on, let's stay in today. We can watch a movie together or something." Taehyung grabs my hand. I blushed at the sudden contact as he dragged me up the stairs. "Ah, Seoyoon are you coming?" I asked. "No, I have to go to work! Have fun though." She smiled at us before leaving the house.

I sat on Taehyung's bed with Yeontan as Tae went to go to the bathroom. I looked at Tannie as he chased after his tail on the carpet. Chuckling at his silly behavior I reminisced once again about Coco and how he would do the same. "You know Yeontan you really remind me of my old dog Coco." I said.

At the name Coco, Yeontan suddenly stopped chasing his tail, looked up at me and barked. Confused, I said the name again. "Coco?" Once again Yeontan barked and jumped on the bed, licking my face. My eyes widened at the sudden thought that struck through my head. "N-no way." I uttered under my breath.

"Alright, let's pick a movie!" Taehyung said as he walked out of the bathroom and crawled onto the bed. "Yeah, um.." Taehyung looked at me and grabbed my chin. "What's wrong?" He asked as he stroked my cheek lightly. "I just.." Taehyung tilted his head to the side in confusion as he looked at me. "Just what?"

"How exactly did you meet Yeontan?"
Oh wow, the tea. well it's 2:50 am and i should probably go to sleep right now. online classes suck and that's all i'm gonna say. well goodnight my scrunches! follow me for more content and don't be afraid to comment.

angelface // k.th x readerWhere stories live. Discover now