blast from the past

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Third person's POV
"Look at them walking around together all lovey dovey." The girl says, looking out of her car window. "You're supposed to be mine, Kim Taehyung." She says, gripping the water bottle so tightly that it explodes.

Smiling the man next her started speaking. "Heh and you're supposed to be mine....Park Y/n." The male said, his dark eyes following the two figures around. "Are you ready?" He says, smiling viciously. Turning around the girl cracks her knuckles. "You know it."

Y/n's POV
It's been about 6 months since i've started dating Taehyung and I couldn't be happier. Although I still worked my part time jobs, Taehyung would always make me feel better when I had a bad day at work.

Putting the whipped cream on the hot chocolate, I served it to the customer. "Hi, welcome to Seoul cafe, how can I help you?" I said, not paying attention to the person. "Oh, Y/n?" I heard a familiar voice say. Looking up, I gasped. "Felix!! Oh wow, long time no see." I said rubbing my neck nervously.

"What can I get you?" I smiled. "Can I get one iced americano please?" He asked while getting some cash out. "Sure, $5.25!" Giving him the change, he thanked me and sat down as I took the other customers orders.

"Hey! I'll take the orders, can you make them please?" My co-worker asked. "Sure! Thanks Yoona!" After making Felix's drink I went and gave it to him. "Here you go!" I put it on the table. "Thanks bubbles." Freezing up at the nickname, I gave him a nervous chuckle. "You remembered that name?" I laughed.

"Of course." He chuckled back. "Do you want to catch up after your shift today?" Looking at my phone, I checked the time. "Uhh, yeah! We can chill for a little while before I head home." I put my phone back in my pocket. "I'll be done at 6:30, so like 5 more minutes." I smiled. "Perfect." Felix grinned creepily. Confused, I scratched my head before walking back to the counter.

Taehyung's POV
*ding dong* *woof woof*
Getting up from the couch, I pulled Yeontan away from the door, placing him on the couch. Opening the door, I saw my crazy ex girlfriend. Immediately, I tried to close the door but failed as she stuck her foot between the door.

"Oh! No, i'm not here to hurt you or anything...I just wanted to say that your new girlfriend..she's cheating on you." She said smiling.

"Listen Yoona, I know you're lying." I rolled my eyes at her stupid comment. "Really? I'm Y/n's co-worker, I saw her talking to a man named Felix. I even heard that they were going to the park after her shift ends. Don't believe me? Go to the park and check." Yoona said, smirking, taking her foot away from the door.

"Go away." I spat and slammed the door in her face. "I'm just saying..." I heard her annoying muffled voice from behind the door. Groaning, I slumped down on my couch, a million thoughts in my head.

She's lying..she would never do that to me..right? Well maybe checking won't hurt! Ugh Taehyung no! You should trust her....but what if she was telling the truth...? Damn it! Okay, a quick check and that's it.

Putting on my coat and shoes, I made my way over to the park.

Y/n's POV
Walking down the park trail, Felix and I caught up with each other. Felix was my ex boyfriend. We didn't end on bad terms, we didn't feel the way we did like in the beginning and broke it off. "Look! The leaves are changing colors already..." Felix smiled brightly as he brushed his hand against the reddish orange leaf.

"Yeah..." I looked around the park as the autumn leaves slowly fell from the trees, breathing in the scent of autumn. "Hey, do you want to get a pumpkin spice latte?" Felix asked. "Oh sure! Its been a while since i've had that." I smiled.

After buying the drink, we sat down on a nearby bench chatting. While chatting Felix suddenly laughed. "You've got foam on your mouth." Pulling my chin, he came closer to my face. "W-what are you doing?" I asked nervously. Felix ignored me and used his thumb to wipe the foam off while smirking.

Taehyung POV
My stopped dead in my tracks as I saw a man with blonde hair stroking Y/n's cheek. I felt my whole world crumble as anger rose in me. Marching my way over, I pulled Y/n off of him. "What is this!?" I shouted angrily, looking at her.

Y/n's eyes was filled with fear, looking like if she just caught doing something she wasn't supposed to. "Taehyung!! It's not what it looks like!" She said frantically. "Oh really? Well it looks like you're letting another man touch you." I raised my eyebrow, letting go of her arm.

"I-I can explain, h-he.." Cutting her off, I put my hand up. "I don't want to hear it. Who even are you!?" I looked at the man. "What do you mean? I'm her boyfriend." He said with an annoyed voice. Looking back at Y/n with fierce eyes, she quickly spoke.

"What? No he's not!! Taehyung please believe me!!" She desperately cried. "Babe! Don't lie to can't keep it up forever huh?" The man wrapped his arm around her shoulder. This was my breaking point. "N-no! Get off me!" Y/n pushed the man away.

Scoffing I walked off but stopped when Y/n yelled something at me. "You don't trust me?" She shouted. "Well you can't really explain what just happened!" I relied. "He's not my boyfriend." She looked down. "Then what is he!?" I crossed my arms. "He's m-my ex.." She looked down.

"Maybe now he is, now that I found out. You didn't even tell me you were meeting up with anyone." I said, putting my hand on my hips. "Because I knew you'd be jealous!" She looked up. "Oh so this is my fault?" I raised one of my eyebrows. "No! T-that's not what i'm saying..I was just angry at the moment. I'm sorry I-" Cutting her off again I walked away.

"W-wait! I'm not cheating on you I swear!" She cried out, tears running down her cheeks. "I don't believe you." I crossed the street, her chasing behind me, grabbing my arm. "WHY DON'T YOU TRUST ME!?" she pulled my sleeve.

"BECAUSE YOU DON'T DESERVE TRUST ANYMORE!!" I yelled back before being blinded by a cars headlights.

Third persons POV
As the couple was fighting, a car started to zoom towards them. Chuckles filled the car as Yoona and Felix looked at each other. Seeing the two ahead of them, Yoona places a brick on the pedal, the two jumping out of the car before it crashed straight into the couple.

Y/n's POV
Pain. That's all I felt. I felt warm liquid coming out of me as I tried to keep my eyes open. Faint footsteps could be heard behind me as I tried to make myself stand. Feeling someone grab my hair I make eye contact with a girl i've never seen before and Felix.

"Oh, so sad to see you guys like this." She pouted. I groaned as dropped my back to the floor. The girl giggled and started to walk away.

"Lights out!" She said as she winked at me. That's all I heard before my vision got blurrier until everything turned black.
school sucks and yeah that's about it. see you in the next chapter :) stay safe and stay healthy my scrunches <333

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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