when we first met

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Taehyung's POV
"How did you meet Yeontan?" Y/n asks me with curious eyes. I pushed my hair back as I remembered the day I met him.

2 years ago
"Hey mom!! I'm gonna go for a walk!!" My voice echoed throughout the house followed by my mom's voice. "Okay honey! Don't stay out too late!" My mother replied.

I grabbed my keys as I walked out the door, heading towards the park. Walking along the trail, snapping a few pictures of the scenery I suddenly saw a dog sleeping under a bench.

"Oh, poor doggie.." I mumbled to myself, feeling pity for the dog. I sighed as I looked at the pet store across the street. "I guess it would be nice to feed them." I thought as I made my way to the store.

*Time skip*
"$17.50 please." The cashier smiled at me. "Here you go." I smiled back as I gave her the cash. Grabbing the bag I quickly headed back to the park where the little dog who was now awake.

"Hey little fella!" I said cutely as I slowly approached them. *bark bark* The dog barked and growled as they saw me come closer. "Shhh, it's okay...look! I have some treats for you." I said as I held up the bag of dog food.

Quieting down the dog slowly came from under the bench, revealing their soft brown fur yet covered in dirt. I put some of the food on my hand and sat down on the floor, putting my hand closer to the dog. Slowly the small dog came up to me and sniffed the food before starting to eat.

"Aww, you must be starving right?" I pet the dogs fur as they continued to eat happily. After finishing the food I slowly picked them up. "Ahh, you're a boy dog." I giggled. "You're so cute I might just take you home." I said in a high pitched voice while petting the dog.

"Let's go!" I whispered as I started to walk home. As I was walking home i noticed something on the wall. "Eh? Missing dog?" Looking at the picture, I realized that it was the exact same dog.

"If found please return to 824 Washington avenue." I pouted as I looked at the dirty doggie in my arms. "Ahh I wish I can take you home, but I have to return you to your owner!" I said in a baby voice.

Making my way down to the address, I continued to pet the dog until I reached the house. I rang the bell and a few seconds later an elderly women opened the door. "Oh, hello young man! How can I help you?" The women gave me a warm smile. "Hello! I saw the missing poster down the street. I'm here to return you dog." I gave her a boxy smile and handed her the dog.

"Oh my! What a cutie, but..this isn't my dog." The lady scratched the back of her neck. "Eh? But this is the address the poster said." I said confused. Passing the dog back to me she said, "Sorry! I can't help you there." Bowing, I apologized for the inconvenience and left the house. "Ahhh, what should I do?" I said looking at the dog.

"Hmph, if I can't find your owner..I'll just raise you myself! I'm moving in a few days, would you like to come along with me?" I ruffled the dogs fur. *bark bark* I chuckled before walking towards my house. "I'll take that as a yes."

After getting home, I went upstairs and bathed the dog. "Aish!" I yelled frustratedly as the dog splashed water on me for the fifth time. "You're so lucky you're cute." I pouted as the dog wagged it's tail, sticking his tongue out at me. Finally being able to wash and dry the dog I took him to my room.

Fidgeting in my arms I placed the dog down. "Wow, you're so energetic!! What should I name you?" I crouched down to his level. "Hmm, Seun? No...Ah Ryun?...Ehhh..How about Yeontan?" After hearing the name Yeontan, the dog barked and licked my hand.

"Yeontan?" *bark bark* Jumping onto my arms, the dog started to lick my face, making me laugh. "Alright!! Yeontan it is."

*A few days later*
"Well, that's the last box! What do you think Yeontan?" Popping out from the corner, the small dog ran around the open space of the new house sniffing every part.

"I'm guessing you like it a lot huh?" I put my hand on my hips. "Here's to a new journey in a new town!" I said as I picked Yeontan up, spinning him around.

"I promise I'm going to take good care of you."
honestly, this all just came to my head now HAHAH but uhh yeah. it's 3:37 in the morning and school starts in 3 days. guess who hasn't done any of there work yet? this girl! not proud of it but lowkey am. but yeah see ya my little scrunches.

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