a thousand lights

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Y/n's POV
"So yeah, that's how I met Yeontan." Taehyung said as he laid down on the bed. "Ah, I see. So then this is Coco. You tried to find me three day's too late, I already had moved away because of a job in this area." I stated as I put Yeontan on my lap. Sighing I held Yeontan to my chest. "I never thought I would see him again." I stroked his fur.

"Hey Y/n?" Taehyung sat up, I hummed in response. "Are you going to take Tannie back to your place?" He looked down. "No, you seem very happy with him and he does too, so I would like him to stay here." I smiled. Taehyung stared at me with soft eyes, scooting closer to me. I tensed up as he pulled me into him embrace, kissing my forehead.

"You're so kind, Angelface." He said, resting his chin on my shoulder. I felt my cheeks burn up as my heartbeat picked up speed. "T-thank you..." I stuttered. After a few moments of silence, Taehyung lifted his head up abruptly.

"W-what's wrong?" I asked concernedly. Smiling at me Taehyung grabbed grabbed my hand pulling me out of the bed. "Instead of staying in, I have a better idea." I tilted my head to the side, looking at him confused. "Go home for now, i'll pick you up at 8." He said, giving his classic box smile.

"O-okay?" I gave a small smile before heading back home. I plopped the bag of my old clothes in the laundry and caught up on some chores.

*Time skip*
Plopping down on the couch I sighed. Taking out my hair tie, I ruffled my hair. Suddenly I heard a knock on my door. Opening the door, a little box with a red ribbon stood on my doorstep. Slowly picking it up, I brought it back inside.

I wonder what's in here...

Curiously, I slowly untied the ribbon, lifting up the cover of the box slowly. There revealed a beautiful pink dress with ruffles at the bottom and matching heels with a neatly folded note on top. A small blush crept onto my face as I read the note.

See you later, Angelface! ;)
- Kim Taehyung

I held the note close to my chest, desperately trying to stop my heart from beating so fast. Looking over at the time I see that it's already 6:45 pm. Bringing the box up to my room, I quickly took a shower.

After drying my hair, I put on some natural makeup and curled my hair. Putting on the dress, I looked at myself in the mirror. Smiling to myself, I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear for this is the first time i've ever felt so confident.

My eyes light up as I hear the doorbell ring from downstairs. Grabbing my purse and putting on the matching heels, I excitedly opened the door.

Taehyung's POV
Nervously, I walked up the steps to Y/n's house. I let out a sigh of nervousness as I ring the doorbell.

My heart won't stop beating like crazy.

As soon as she opened the door my heart stopped for a millisecond. There she stood, looking as beautiful as ever. her curly hair, falling perfectly on her shoulders, the dress fitting perfectly on her body, her blushing face. It feels like everything in the world stops when I look at her.

"A-are you ready?" I stuttered still thinking about how she looks so beautiful. "Yes." She replied in a soft voice. Offering my hand, she gladly took it as I led her to the car. "Ladies first." I joked as I opened the car door for her. "Why, thank you!" Y/n giggles as she entered the car.

Driving to the place, I catch glimpses of Y/n looking out the window. The night wind blowing gently on her hair as she watches the city lights with sparkling eyes. Looking back at the road I smile to myself, thinking how lucky I am to have met her.

"We're here." I said as I parked the car. Getting out of the car first, I opened her door. "Before we go..." I pulled out a blindfold. "It's a surprise." I whispered in her ear as I put the blindfold on her eyes. Grabbing her small hands, I led her to the spot I reserved. "Okay, i'm going to take your blindfold off now." I said as I slowly took the blindfold off.

Y/n's POV
My eyes sparkled as it reflected the lights of the lanterns that surrounded us. "T-taehyung..." I looked around speechless. A wide smile was formed on my face as I twirled around the grass. "It's beautiful!!" I said as I reached my hand up to the night sky, trying to catch a lantern.

"Y/n..." Turning around I see Taehyung holding up two lanterns. "Come on, lets go release these lanterns." He said, walking towards a boat. Happily, I skipped behind him to the boat. Grabbing the oar, I paddled us to the middle of the river.

Taehyung grabbed a lighter and lit the lanterns. Each of us holding a lantern we went to the edge of the boat. "One, two, three!" At the count of three, we released the lanterns, watching them float up to the night sky together.

Taehyung's POV
I watched as Y/n gazed at the scenery right before her eyes. The lanterns light giving her a soft orange glow around her, making her look unreal. Gathering up my courage, I sat closer to her. "Y/n.." I said, grabbing her chin softly when she looked at me with her soft eyes. I stroked her cheek with my thumb as I leaned in. "I love you...." With that, I gently pressed my lips on hers.

To my surprise, Y/n kissed me back gently, wrapping her hands around my neck. There we let everything melt away as we kissed under a thousand lights. Pulling away, she looked into my eyes before holding my hand.

"I love you too."
Ah yes, today was the first day of school! It was tiring because it was online but i'm hopeful for this year. I'm also really liking this book so far :) i hope you all like it too! see you in the next chapter my scrunches. you can always leave a comment for any recommendations!! they could be featured in the incoming chapters! Of course this was scene was inspired by the lantern scene from tangled. i literally love this scene!

angelface // k.th x readerWhere stories live. Discover now