that guilty feeling

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Y/n's POV
"What are you doing here?" I kept my head down not saying a word, letting my arms hang loose, holding my food. After a few moments of building up my courage I was able to gather my I finally uttered out a soft sentence.

"Don't worry about it." With that, I walked away, still embarrassed and guilty to face him. Tears running down my cheeks as I continued to walk in the pouring rain.

A few moments later I feel the rain stop again and I stand under the same black umbrella. "Hey..." He said a soft voice. "What's wrong?" I sighed as I shook my head. "Nothing." I mumbled.

Suddenly I felt a arm pull my shoulder, turning me around. "Hah, I knew it." He wiped away my tears running down my face. "Something's wrong." Being the sensitive person I am, I felt more and more tears falling so I did the one thing I should've done when I saw him.

Run. Run away from him...

I turn around quickly and dashed away from him. I got to get away from him, I can't face him, no...not now. I didn't look back, I knew he wasn't going to chase me.

Catching my breath as I sat on the stairs of my porch I buried my head in my arms.

This isn't fair, why does this have to happen to me? Is it karma? I hate this, I hate this so much.

From a distance I heard footsteps making me lift my head up. Recognizing that it's Taehyung I quickly tried to get inside but he was faster and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I know you're not okay, tell me what's wrong. Come to my place." He whispers in my ear before picking me up bridal style and starts walking next door. "H-hey, my food!!" Chuckling he continues to walk. "I'll get it for you after I take care of you."

Feeling the blush crawl up my face I buried myself in the crook of his neck making him hug me tighter. His warmth getting to me as tiredness races through my body. I chuckled before mumbling out, "You still care for me?" before feeling my eyes close and darkness take over.

"I never stopped." I heard him say in a low voice before I fell asleep.

Taehyung's POV
"You still care for me?" She said before falling asleep. Are you stupid Y/n? Of course I do. I've seen you suffer everyday but I was too much of a coward to do anything and you've been going through all this alone.

"I never stopped." I replied before she snuggled into my chest, falling asleep.

How long have you been like this? Hurting inside? I can't bear to see you like this any longer and I'll do everything to see you smile again.

I...I think I might be in love with you...
Um, hi. School is disgusting and work is disgusting bc I don't know how to do anything :) literally all my time is on chemistry and trigonometry and it's stressful so yeah. dropping out of trig honors was literally such a good idea. anyways, see you in the next chapter!

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