Book 3, Chapter 1

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Hailey's P.O.V:
Today was VK Day!
I can't wait to see everyone's faces when we announce them to come to Auradon.
First we had fun by singing a song called
'Good To Be Bad'

Everyone stood silent
"We'll keep coming you'll get sick of us, and
"Drum roll, please" Evie says.
"First I would like to announce daughter of Drizella, my sweet sweet friend , Dizzy" Evie points at Dizzy in the crowd.
"Next the son of Smhee, c'mon Squeeky" Carlos says.
"And no way are we splitting up the twins, come here Squirmy" Jay says.
"I would love to announce the other person who is coming with us is...Izzy!" I announce.
"And last, But certainly not least...we all agreed Dr,Fecilias daughter Celia" Mal announced.
"We'll be back for you guys next week okay?" Carlos says to the 5 that were selected.
"And pack your stuff, your own stuff" Jay laughs.
Me and Harry are on good terms now...

We all (Me,Carlos,Evie,Mal And Jay) head back to Auradon...

A Week Later...
Mal's P.O.V:
I was seeing the view through my binoculars when I suddenly felt two arms around me.
I look back and me and Ben laugh.
"Not a tentacle in sight.." I say
"I think if Uma wereto appears he already would have" Ben says.
"Look Ben I know how villains think and I don't trust Uma" I say back.
"Well you can't be everywhere at once besides I've got your back" Ben says pointing at the guards ready to fire.
"You're getting more guards right?" I question.
"Yes, now breathe and c'mon" Ben says.
"Okay" I agree.

All the music starts as me and Ben enter the front of the school.
We go onto stage and Fairy Godmother says to stay so I did on the stage.
She passes Ben the microphone.
"What's up Auradon? Thank you all for staying for the arrivals, it worked out for the first 5" Ben was.
"Mal, this is the exact spot we met not so long ago, but did I mention I'm in love with you?" Ben says.
The crowd 'Awhhss'
We both dance.
Ben goes down on his knee before singing a little song.
"Now it's you and me forever, will you be my queen?" Ben says.
I hear Audrey scream 'No'
Everyone cheers as I say "Yes!"
"Did you know?" I say to Hailey and Evie.
"Everything" we say.
We all cheer and celebrate.

"All bow to her majesty" Jay says.
"Her all purple ness " Carlos laughs
"Silence, you annoying peasants" Mal says jokingly.
We all laugh.
"As you wish" Jay says.
"Crankiness" Hailey says.
"You won fair and square" Audrey says as she pulls me aside.
"No, no you didn't, you wanted Ben to destroy Auradon, amazing story for the grandkids" she continues.
"Speaking of kids, I've got some waiting for us, so if you'll excuse me.." I say back.

Hailey's P.O.V:
Mal's purple limo had come and we all sat in it.
All the kids go into the limo and so did we.
We all drove off.
"So as soon as we get to Auradon you have to try ice cream" Evie says to Dizzy.
"And go swimming?" Dizzy asks.
"I can take you to the enchanted lake" Evie says back and they both squeal.
The twins were with Carlos and Jay.
Celia was conning Ben.
"Hey, what's wrong Iz?" I say.
"What about the rest of them?" Izzy asks.
Me and Izzy are close - she's like my other sister.
Even though I don't mention her she means lots to me.
"Hey, don't worry Iz" Dizzy reassures her sister.
Dizzy is older...
I hug Izzy.
The limo goes back into the special road.
Me and Evie look back and suddenly everyone from the Isle moves away.
Me and Evie both say
"It's Hades.!"
"He's trying to break the barrier" I continue
"Stop the car" Evie says.
Hades zaps Ben, Jay, Carlos And Jax as they try fighting him.
Mal turns into her dragon and the fight between her and Hades starts.
Suddenly, Hades uses his ember against Mal and it seems like she's about to faint or something.
She pushes all her strength and tosses Hades back.
Mal comes down as human form...
"Are you ok?" Evie asks.
"He was draining all the magic out of me" Mal says out of breath.
"We should go..." Jay says.
And we all head back to the limo...

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