Chapter 2

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Audrey's P.O.V:
A lifetime of plans, gone
Your mother could hold onto a Prince in her sleep.
That's what my Grammy said (yes I said Grammy...)
I sob as I draw in my diary and it's not fair.
Mal gets everything...

Mal's P.O.V:
"All the people are in panic about Hades" Beast (Adam) says.
"Who knows what he would have done if he had escaped" Godmother said.
"We can't risk having another villain on the loose" Adam says.
"I feel like this is all my fault" I say guilty.
"You do protect Auradon" Ben says.
"The crown and Maleficent's seaptor have been stolen" Ben says after receiving a call.

After talking I finally come to a decision.
"There's only one way to guarantee the people of Auradon and their close the barrier...forever" I say sadly.
"No..." Ben says.
I calm him down and he agrees.

Hailey's P.O.V:
"Who else know about the stolen things ?" Evie says.
"Us and Ben, Jax, Adam And Godmother, oh and Belle" Mal says.
"They're thinking of closing the barrier" Mal says.
"And you said 'no' right?" I say concerned getting u from my chair.
"Yeah, I mean us 5 are living the dream here and we finally get to share that" Evie says.
"And yeah what could be more important than that?" I agree.
"Yeah" Mal agreed.
"I know" she adds.
"I mean, maybe security or maybe peace of mind for Auradon" Mal said.
"M we're so glad you're gonna be Queen" I say.
"You'll Be part of these conversations, you must stand up for the V.Ks" Evie adds, as we all hug.
"Thank you for telling us" Evie says.
"We really appreciate it" I say.
We finally let go.

The Next Day...
Today was Jane's birthday.
"Okay, who got into Jane's cake?" Carlos asks.
I was washing the dishes when I see a puff of pink smoke appear outside...
"Guys..." I say to the squad.
With the crown and the sceptre.
Suddenly she casts a spell.
And we all run out.
"So long, suckers" then she disappears.
"Whoa! You might wanna think of a spell for that." Jay says
Mal's turned into an old person.
"There's no spell" Mal says.
We need to go.

We all are now heading back to the Isle Of the Lost...
We all are on our motorbikes...
"Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take us anywhere" Mal says and the road to the Isle open for us.

Jane's P.O.V:
Audrey comes and looks....bad?
She just ruined everything...
She's put everyone to a spell.
Luckily I held my breath and survived in the Enchanted Lake.
I call Ben to tell him what happened.

Hailey's P.O.V:
We all park our motorbikes.
"Hey, I'm me again" Mal says happily.
"Well, duh, evil magic doesn't work here" Celia says.
"Welcome back" Evie says.
"Thanks" Mal replies.
Celia takes us into her dads lair.
And they was amazing...if only me, Harry and dad.
"Hey...don't worry, yeah." Carlos says hugging me tight.
We go down and Carlos puts the tv on.
We find out what happened back at Auradon.

We get outside and Carlos says
"Rookie mistake"
We all look up and Harry, Gil and the crew are on our motorbikes.
"Seriously Harry?" I complain.
"Over the roof, cut them off" Jay says.
We all run.
Mal and Celia go together.

Mal's P.O.V:
How big is the dog on the sign.
"You'll see" Celia said.
No joke but I just got shivers.
We start to cycle and the light turns on.
We finally arrive and Celia points at the noise.
There's no dogs it's just sound effects...
We slowly go down the stairs.
"Why are you here?" Hades asks.
I slowly sneak around.
"You...were out of canned I got you some more" Celia says.
I try and grab the jewel but too slow and I come face to face with Hades.
"Hi dad" I say to him.
He waves.
"Quite a show you put on the other day." He says.
"Right back at you" I say.

"I need the ember!" I say.
"Hold, please"
He starts singing...
He finally gives it to me.
"If it gets wet, it's game over" he says from behind.
I wave.
I explain to Celia how only Hailey and Evie know Hades is my dad.

Hailey's P.O.V:
We finally are heading out of the barrier...
Suddenly from behind, we hear two tumbles.
"We made it!" Harry and Gil cheer.
"Hey guys, we're just coming for a wee visit" Harry says.
Carlos And Gil, Harry and Jay start to fight and Mal drops the ember.
She about to pick it up when Harry throws it onto the water.
"Harry!" I shout.
Suddenly, tentacles fly out.
"Dropped something?" Uma say.
"Dayummmm girllll, check you out, love the new look" I say.
"Thanks H" she laughs, don't look bad yourself.
Everyone looks at me like...smh
"What? It's true look" I say pointing at Uma.
Mal rolls her eyes "it can't get wet, give it back"
Uma just laughs.
Gil and Harry both say "Uma"
"That's my name" Uma laughs.
A second later she dives fully in the water.
All of us with our eyes wide open "No..." Mal says.
It's like a tornado and Uma comes at back
"Welcome back" Harry says.
"You ran and forgot about us" Gil says.
I hug Uma...oh c'mon people past is past...kinda
"Planning her revenge, no doubt" Mal says.
"It's not all about you Mal" Uma says back.
"I was poking for a while in the barrier to let everyone out" Uma says.
"It's better out there than we thought boys, there's this big furry rock called a coconut" Uma says amazed.
We explain everything to Uma.
So we made a deal that we can get everyone of the Isle and we're all on everyone's team .

"Where are our bikes?" Jay asks.
"We crashed them" Harry says.
Suddenly I got really angry so...
I threw Harry into the sea.
"Stupid idiot?" I shout.
Everyone laughs.
"Here's a thought we could put our differences aside and be friends,oh c'mon guys please?" I beg.
"Who wants gum?" Evie asks.
She takes one.
"Let's go." Uma says.
I take all of Evie's gum "Thanks"
Harry gets out of the sea.
"Uh, I'm in charge...let's go" Mal says.

We finally get to Auradon.
"They're asleep, all of them" Mal says.
"We can't get anyone, signals out" Carlos says.
"Is That Auradon prep?" Celia asks.
"Everything is so green, you have leaves on your trees" Gil says amazed
"Bless him" I say.
"And what are those coloured things on the bushes..?" He asks.
"Flowers" Jay replies.
"Flowers are pretty" he says.
And then I see Harry being a thief...
"I believe I deserve some compensation" he says.
Me and Jay look at each other and nod.
I slap Harry's head and Harry takes the wallet.
"Think I'm scared of you" Harry says to Jay.
"Guys!" We all say.
"Guys...Hannah turned to stone" Evie points out a statue.
"Since we're here let's head to the school" Uma and the crew are bout to walk
"No, Audrey went for the crown so let's go" Mal says.
"Who says?" Uma says.
"Me" Mal fires back.
"So that's suppose to mean something to me?" Uma questions.
"Guys, please don't" I say.
They both look at me and I raise an eyebrow.
"To the castle" Mal says and we all follow.

"Ben!" Mal says.
"Jax!" I shout.
"I got a scent" Dude says.
"Hold up?" Uma says.
"What's this?" She says.
"Any chance this was already there" Carlos asks.
"And...follow me", Dude says.
We enter the hall where there is armour.

A Few Minutes Later, we all start arguing...we'll Mal and Uma...again.
"Girls! We have a situation!" Harry shouts.

"We worked together" I say.
"We should play ice breaker." Evie suggests.
"All yours" I sigh.
This isn't gonna work.
"Harry...nice accent, now your turn" Evie says.
Harry rolls his eyes.
"Is she always this perky?" Uma asks.
"Not your turn, but thank you." Evie thanks Uma.
"Right, Evie, I love you" Mal says grabbing Evie's hands.
"I love you too" Evie says.
Harry grabs my shoulders and turns me to face him.
"Love ya, and this energy But, we're short on time, so let's roll, yeah" Harry says to me.
"Okay" me and Evie say in unison.
"Where does this cheerleader bunk down we can find some stuff there" Uma suggests.
"Dorms" Evie and I say.
"Right because of summer school" Mal says.
"Summer school?" Harry laughs.
"No wonder she wants revenge" Harry adds.
"So my plan" Uma says.
"No it was my plan!" Mal says.
"Let's go!" I shout.
"Damn, chill lil sis" Harry says.

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