Chapter 6

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Finally, Hades comes.
"Thank you for coming" Mal says.
"Didn't have much choice" Hades replies.
"Can you wake them?" Ben asks.
"Since when do heroes care about villains?" Hades asks.
"She's..." Ben says.
"One of your own?" Hades interrupts.
"Right" Hades continues.
"When you guys try to destroy the world, error in judgement. But when it's one of us, lock them away and throw the key" Hades says looking at Beast.
"Right, Beast?" Hades asks.
He lifts his hands "I'm gonna have to use my hands."
Ben gestures to the guards.
Mal hands the ember over.
"Haven't lost my touch" Hades says and both Beast and Hades growl at each other.
"Dad." Mal says and they both stop.
Hades uses his magic.
They all wake up.
I go to Hailey and hug her tightly.

"Tell me it was all a bad dream" Audrey says.
"I wish I could, but it's all over now" Ben replies.
"I'm sorry, I wanted to hurt all of you" Audrey cries.
"I have been owing an apology to you for a very long time now." Mal says
"And so have I" Ben says.
Then the guards grab Hades and take him.
"Dad" Mal says.
"I'm gonna have to miss you all over again" Mal continues.
"Thanks for a glimpse of the sun" Hades Thanks Mal.
Mal hugs Hades and kisses his cheek whilst Hades gives her the ember back.

Hailey's P.O.V:
Finally, everyone and everything is normal again.
"I'm glad to have you back" Harry says.
"I heard someone was crying" I tease Harry.
"Shut up you, They're lying" Harry laughs and gets me in a head lock.

About 10 Minutes Later...
"Thank you all for joining us for our celebration" Ben announces.
I stand next to Jax with everyone else.
Jax had his arm around me while I put my hands on top of his.
"I can't be queen of Auradon, I can't turn my back on the Isle" Mal says.
Gasps fill the air.
"Without Uma And Her pirates, Auradon will be gone" Mal says.
"And without Hades, my father, Hailey, Jax And Audrey would be gone" Mal adds.
More gasps fill the air.
"We all are good and bad no matter what, and that's why I can't just be Queen of Auradon, I have to be queen of the Isle too, and it's time we take the barrier down forever" Mal says.
"We can't do that" Beast interrupts.
"It's up to us dad" Ben replies.
"I choose to be a king who moves forward, it's time for forgiveness, for new beginnings" Ben announces.
"The barrier will come down"
We all cheer and clap.
Me, Jax, Evie, Ben, Carlos, Jay And Mal all say
"To make the world a better place...We have to do it face to face."
Mal waves her wand and the barrier comes down.
It was magical.


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