❤️ Thank *A/N* You ❤️

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Some key notes

*First I wanna say R.I.P Cameron Boyce.
-It was really sad and I was in tears when I found out he died (which was about a day-ish after)
I wish the best to all the cast of Descendants especially Cam's friends and family and just remember he is with God now. 😔❤️

-It was amazing to write this book with the movie.
-I loved it all.
-And the cast was amazing and everything in the movie from writing it to producing it.
-Also, me personally writing it, I had lots of fun...😂😀

*Lastly, I wanted to know if anyone wants me to write any other movie so just adding a character or something.
-Please suggest any other movies you want me to write about and I can do it hopefully.
- I will definitely try my hardest and with the help of all of you it will be completed, just give me your suggestions...

Once again, thank you for reading and please follow, like and comment for new content.
...if you want🙈❤️

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