Chapter Eighteen - A Talk

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Copyright Ⓒ 2019 by B. R. Bailey All Rights Reserved 

"As you can see," Briar Rose stated, calming down, "I can handle difficult spells rather quickly, can I not?"

Every creature around the table looked at the doors silently before turning to look at the bear, which was the furthest away.

The Bear stood up from a large chair, casting a shadow across the table. "That was not necessary," he grumbled. "However, you have made your point. I, Prince Arthur, hereby give you, Curse Breaker..."

Nonchalantly as possible when one is seven and a half feet tall, he discreetly put out one claw, catching the edge of a report from the tabletop, shifting it so it was facing him.

Chagrined, she realized he hadn't bothered to learn her name. She had blasted it through the whole of Castle and had it written on the first line of the report she had given him yesterday and he didn't care enough to remember who she was. 

"Briar Rose," he continued smoothly, "permission to explore the entirety of Merlins Keep, should," his voice turned hard, his growl filling the room, "you agree to a blood oath that you will not enter that which is for Royalty only nor used anything you have learned here to harm the kingdom of Whitewater or its people." 

"I will agree to a blood oath to not harm Whitewater or its people," Briar Rose stated, walking up to the table. 

A Tiger; a wolf; a stallion and an alligator were divided on either side of the Prince Arthur the bear. Even with all of them there, the room and table were so large she could stand without being close to them. 

Pulling out parchment and a fresh quill, Prince Arthur put his paw up to his mouth, bitting the pad. Very slowly, he dipped the quill into his palm, writing out the words with practiced ease. Once he was finished the paper was passed to the wolf, who picked up a shaker with his teeth, tilting his head to spread sand over it, setting the blood so it wouldn't smear.

As the parchment made it to her, Briar Rose couldn't help but admire how elegant the writing was. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have thought a bear wrote it. True, she had seen script that was fancier, but this was the most impressive document she had laid her eyes on.

Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a small work knife, making a small incision in her palm. Using her quill, which she cleaned with a swipe of green flames, she signed the bottom, agreeing to the terms set forth.

A gold flash went over the paper, binding her to her words. Now, if she were to trespass into whatever Royal area this referred to, she would die.

"There," Briar Rose stated, sending the contract back to Prince Arthur with a wave of her hand. "I have satisfied your terms, yes?" 

"There is another matter," he admitted, grimacing. "Will you please...look into some spell work that needs repairing? I will see you compensated separately since that's not a part of your job." 

"I shall repair those spells free of charge. My kingdom is the reason there aren't any Wizards or Witches here to do their duty the Keep, so it's only fair that I fix whatever needs to be done." Briar Rose admitted. 

Prince Arthur eyebrows went up, surprised. "Very well. Make sure you keep Sir Leonard with you. He knows the dangerous areas and can give you advance warning. Merlins Keeper may ask you to enter some risky places you would otherwise avoid. Make sure you do not allow yourself to become distracted while in those areas." 

"What else do you know of the Curse?" 

Prince Arthur sat back down, sighing. He waved a hand at her, signaling her to do the same. Once seated, he began.

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