Chapter 38

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Within an hour, the place is swarming with high school students. We let them party for a while, before I hook the mic up to the speaker, silencing the music.

"Hey, HHS students!" The crowd roars. "Follow me and my boyfriend Zachariel to start the real party!"

I'm answered with hoops and hollers. I unplug my mic, and Zachariel and I jog out towards the dead zone, Zachariel carrying a boom box.

Once we reach the dead zone, I hook the microphone into the boom box.

"HHS Students," I say calmly once everyone is gathered. "What do you see?" Silence as everyone questioningly eyes the dead zone. "Because all I see is sickness. Because that's what it is. The earth is dying, us alongside it. Do you want to know why?" Silence. "Because we're alone." I say even quieter. "He's gone. God has abandoned us. Take a look for yourself! The world has a sort of cancer, eating away at it the longer we believe the lie."

People start edging closer, eyeing the dead zone, few touching what used to be the grass.

"All you have to do is believe," I say, "and it will heal itself. We can change the world. We can save it."

I stop talking, letting people take it in their own hands. One by one, people begin to believe, their wings turning solid black.

Not even 20 minutes later, everyone has changed.

I grin. "To prove I'm not lying to you, come back when your hair begins to change colour, when your eyes turn green. And I promise you, the cancer will be pushed back, further than it is now. But it can't be completely cured until everyone believes. So tell your friends! Tell your parents, your family! Just as I have!" I motion for my parents to appear, and they step into the light. "Together, we can save ourselves. Don't place your hope in God, place it in yourself. Because every single one of you can save us. We are all the heroes in this story."

Cheers erupt, and tears form in my eyes. Tears of glee.

We did it.

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