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"So what grade are you in?" Jessie asked Michael while guiding them towards the gyms.
"Oh I'm in 12th. What about you?" He said looking around at everybody. Michael didn't look like a senior he looked like he should have graduated already but half of the school looked like that anyway. He did stand out for sure but Jessie liked that. He had crazy hair that was kind of skunk coloured but reversed, he was really really tall and was sort of pale. And he had a really cute accent.
"I'm in 12th too!" She said sounding a little overly excited. "Can I see your schedule?"
"Sure" he said sounding a little confused.
"we have lunch and the last 4 classes together"
"what about the rest of them?"
"I go to a college a few miles from her for my English and reading classes. I wish I didn't have to tho," Jessie said as they started walking down the main hallway. "I'd rather stay here and take an extra music or art class."
"You like music?" He asked her. Finally they had found something besides school to talk about.
"Well duh" She said laughing "Do you?"
"Duh." He said mocking her. "What bands do you like?" She asked hoping he liked bands.
"I like Green Day and stuff like that...wait YOU like bands?!" He asked sounding surprised. Jessie didn't come off as the girl that liked bands. Most people assume she like rap on account of where she grew up at...but in reality she can't stand some of it.
"Yeah. I know I look like I don't listen to Green Day and Blink or old bands like ACDC or the Sex Pistols but I love them." She said stopping.
"Wow." Was all he said.
"What?" Jessie asked feeling a little worried that she might have made herself look stupid again.
"I just didn't expect you to like rock bands, or punk bands. Why are we stopping?"
"Cause I wanted to show you the art walls" She said turning him around to do he could see what was behind him. "These are probably the most interesting thing in the whole school."
"They are pretty cool...my school back home didn't have these."
"Where are you from? You sound Australian but I could be wrong."
"No your right." He said smiling. "Where are you from? You don't seem to have the same accent as everybody else here."
"I'm from here but I was born in a different state...I don't know why I don't have an accent really." Jessie said pushing her hair out of her face trying to pull it up into a pony tail because she could feel it getting frizzy.
"No leave it down." He said looking at her "It looks nice." He smiled.
"Thanks" was all she could say as her checks turned red again thanks to Michael.
"Do you wanna hang out sometime?"
"What?" She asked looking around making sure he was talking to her
"Do you wanna hang out sometime? Ya know if your boyfriend wouldn't get mad."
"Oh um I don't have a boyfriend. When do you wanna hang out?"
"We can today after school if you want."
"I have a game today but if it gets canceled then sure Id like that." She smiled at him.
"Okay cool. We can go to my place if you want."
"Okay cool." She said smile again.


The bell rang telling them it was time for last period which was art. Michael and Jessie walked down to the art room and he sat with her. Jessie didn't have any friends in art this year (or people that she talked to) so she was happy they have the same schedule. "Do you like art?" He asked looking down at the doodles on her scrap paper.
"Yeah it's fun."
"I think your fun and my fun are different." He said as they both laughed but paused as the principle started to make announcements.
"I would like to congratulate the boys varsity football for their win last night..."
"Wait you guys have a fútbol team here?"
"Do you mean football or soccer?" Jessie asked kind of reminding him that the two where different here.
"Oh um I meant soccer."
"Nope...just regular football." She told him.
"The volleyball game tonight has been canceled and there will be no practice. That is all."
The bell rang so they got up and left class.
"So I guess I'm going to your house? Well I mean if you still wanna hang out." Jessie said looking down.
"Well yeah." Michael said laughing as he grabbed her wrist and guided them to the car where his mom was waiting "Hey mum this is my friend Jessie can she come over for a bit?"
"Hello Jessie!" His mom smiled. "Sure Mikey but you still have some unpacking to do and I have a surprise waiting for you in your room."
"What is it?" Michael asked suddenly getting really excited.
"Im not telling." His mom said.
"Yeah, if she tells you it will ruin the surprise." Jessie said laughing.
"She's right...Smart girl you are Jessie." She said as they drove off.


They pulled up to their house which was probably 25 minutes from the school. "You guys have a really pretty house." Jessie said looking at it in awe.
"Oh why thank you." Mrs. Clifford smiled.
"Well come on let's go inside!" Michael practically yelled still seeming anxious to find out what his surprise was.
Michael showed Jessie around his house then they went up to his bedroom. "Is your room the only one up here?" Jessie asked sounding a little stupid considering there was only 3 doors up here.
"Yep. The other room is a bathroom and the other is just a junk room." He said rummaging through boxes looking for something. "Do you like video games?" he said pulling out a game system and two controllers.
"What games do you have?" She asked getting excited hoping he had some of the games she plays. "I'd tell you if I could find them." He laughed. "But we can watch a movie or something on Netflix or youtube."
"Okay that's cool." It was silent for a few seconds while Michael hooked up the Xbox. "Mikey will you come here for a second!?" His mom yelled
"Coming mum!" He yelled back "I'll be right back...you can look through the movies if you want." He said handing me the controller. "Alright."

A few minutes passed and Michael was still down stairs helping his mom with what ever it was she needed him for. Jessie keep hearing things falling in his closet but she just assumed it was clothes or shoes falling. She go up to go to the bathroom then went back into his room shutting the door behind her. "Surprise!!" 3 boys screamed jumping out of the closet. In the midst of her screaming they stopped and looked at her. "You aren't Michael?" The tall blonde boy said.
"And you aren't shoes." Jessie said with her hand on her chest laughing. "Are you okay?" The tan boy with curly black hair said.
"Yeah." Jessie said catching her breath. "You scared the shit out of me." She said laughing again. "Sorry about that. You were suppose to be Michael...wait who are you." The blonde boy asked.
"I'm Jessie. I go to school with Michael."
"He's only been for one day and he's already got a girl in his room." Said the boy with long curly dirty blonde hair. Jessie could feel her face turning red
"It's not like that we- my game got canceled and - I play volleyball -" She stopped and took a breath. "We are friends and he asked me to hangout." Jessie finally said feeling even more embarrassed then she should have been. "So I'm guessing you're Michael's surprise?" Jessie said gesturing to all of them.
"YEP! But I hear Mikey coming!" The curly haired on whispered as they crammed back into the closet.
"Sorry about that mum needed me to set up the TV and stuff in the living room. Are you okay I heard you scream?"
"Oh yeah it was just a spider." She said leaning back. "Surprise!" The 3 boys screamed again but this time Jessie didn't flinch.
"Oh my god! What are you guys doing here!" Michael yelled getting up to hug his friends. "They are coming out of the closet." Jessie said laughing at her own joke then Michael joining in.
"Jessie this is Luke, Calum, and Ashton. They are my best friends. What are you guys doing here!" Michael said yelling a little bit.
"Schools over back home so our mums let us come get yo so we could take you back home for the summer!" Luke (the blonde one) yelled back.
"It's nice to meet you guys." Jessie said smiling while shaking each of their hands. "Are you all in the same grade as Michael?" Jessie asked the 3 boys. "Im already graduated." Said Ashton (the one with long curly hair.) "We are." Luke and Calum (the tan one.) said simultaneously. "What about you?" Calum asked "Im in the same grade as you guys." Jessie said. "You're in 12th grade!?" You look like a freshmen" Ashton said. "I know, I know but it's true Im in the 12th grade. Im suppose to be in graduated already but my birthday fell late." Jessie explained to them.


"Well it was nice meeting all of you." Jessie said as she started to leave the house to go back home. "I'll see you tomorrow Michael. Oh and good timing coming during the last few months of school." She said laughing "Bye Jessie!" All four of the boys yelled then went back into the house. Michaels mom had left to go to work so the boys were there alone.

"She's pretty hot." Calum said elbowing Michael as they all say on the couch talking.
"Shut up Calum!" Michael said loudly.
"What she is!" Calum yelled back.
"Did you get her number?" Luke asked. All of a sudden they all started interrogating Michael.
"Yes Luke she gave me her number." Michael said groaning at the sudden chain of questions.
"Can I have it? Or do you think she'll give it to me?" He asked jokingly.
"I don't know." Michael said sitting up obviously annoyed with Calum already. "Okay I won't ask for it...but only cause you guys are so cute." Calum said as they all laughed at him.
"So do you like Jessie, Michael?" Ashton asked sitting beside of him.
"I just met the girl today you guys. But she's cool." He said laughing.
"Yeah she does seem pretty cool." Luke said.
"Maybe she can spend the summer with us." Ashton suggested. "We are still going back home for the summer right?" He asked.
"I don't think Jessie would want to spend a whole summer with you losers." Michael said jokingly. "I'll ask her maybe." He said. After a while of talking, eating, and playing video games they boys went to sleep.

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