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Michael and Jessie hung out more and had gotten closer since Michael's first day. School was over and Michael and Jessie graduated and Michael was going to be leaving in a few weeks for his summer back in Sydney.

Michael decided to stay home today instead of going to the senior cook out so he could put the finishing touches on his room and spend time with his friends who at this time were sleeping. Michael got bored just sitting around the house so he decided to take a walk.

He had gotten a little familiar with the neighborhood by now, he even found out that he lives a few blocks away from Jessie and a few more blocks away from a really cool record store. After going to pick up some new records from the store Michael found his self mindlessly wondering down Jessie's street. He started to walk past her house when he heard somebody be hind him crying quietly. He turned around and saw it was Jessie who was crying. "Jessie is that you?" He asked stopping to make sure before running to her. "Michael?" She answered in a panicky voice while trying to make it look like she wasn't crying. "What's wrong?" He asked hugging her "Oh um it's nothing I was just going through some old stuff and found a picture of me and on of my closest friends...I just really miss him." she said whipping away her tears and trying to make her breath steady. "Well I got some new music...we can listen to it together if you'd like." He said walking her to her porch. "Okay...you can stay here for a while if you want mom has to work late tonight and I don't really wanna be alone." Jessie told him as she unlocked the door. "Okay then I'll call and order a pizza." He said then they both went inside and up to her room.

After a while of sitting and watching Netflix they decided to listen to the records michael got. "Oh my god!" Jessie screamed as she pulled out one of the records. "You got the Blink-182 record!?" She said getting up off her bed and running over to her record player. "Yeah I broke mine yesterday so I went and got a new one." Michael said laughing at her excitement. "I didn't know the music place had this! Every time I went in there to get it they didn't have any left! Can we listen to it please!?" She said already putting it in. "I don't now I mean I don't think you can rock out like me" He said smirking jokingly. "I just wanna listen to it! I don't need to rock out just to enjoy good music." She said sticking her tongue out to him. Jessie put the record on and turned up the volume loud enough to wear they could talk over it but still hear the words.

(A/N Listen to all of this by blink while reading the next few parts)

After talking for a few songs 'All of This' came on causing Jessie to get over joyed and start singing "With all of this I know now everything inside of my head it all just goes to show how nothing I know changes me at all." then stopped realizing that she was singing over the music and Michael was watching "Again I wait for this to change instead to tear the world into. Another night with her but I'm always wanting you." he finished where Jessie left off making her feel comfortable so she joined in again "Use me holly come on and use me." They both sang and laughed. "You're a really good singer." She told him. "Thanks but you should hear Luke." He said then it got quite again and they listened to the rest of the song. "So tell me about this friend you were crying about." He said as they cuddled on Jessie's bed. They were best friends so neither of them thought it was weird for them to cuddle. They both loved these moments were they both laid on each other and talked or even play fought. They both did the same thing with other friends. Jessie would even take pictures of Michael and Luke cuddling just to have something to bring up when she needed a good laugh. Jessie pulled an old crumpled up picture out of her night stand. "This is me." She said pointing the the kid on the right with cake all over her face, "and that's Evan." She said pointing to the boy who had cake all over his hands. "He was my best friend ever, I've known him since I was a baby because our moms were best friends in high school. He moved when we were in 6th grade and I haven't seen him since." She said letting out a sigh. Michael felt a little jealous of this Evan kid for obvious reasons. Michael liked Jessie. He knew he liked Jessie there was no denying it. He didn't want to though...he didn't want to ruin a perfectly good friendship plus he didn't think Jessie liked him back. You see Jessie wasn't always the best when it comes to guys, even guys that are just friends. She can never tell when they are flirting or when they like her so she simply stays friends with the good ones and ends up with a bad one. But with Michael it was different... She could actually be her weird annoying self around him. He made her feel wanted simply by putting up with all the dumb shit she does like embarrassing herself and others in public. That was part of the reason why Michael liked her, even though she was shy she was still outgoing. She hated talking to new people but got excited about meting them. She was a walking contradiction and Michael couldn't get enough of her.


A/N hey if any of my friends are reading this my phone has been off for the past few days that's why there are so many updates and why I haven't texted/dm'd/kiked/what evered you back yet and tysm for reading everybody ily!!!

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